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I kept yawning throughout the class. Off nudged me hard to keep me from dozing off. Prof.Tum called out my name thrice but today it didn't really bother me. I was feeling a bit restless and was unable to concentrate on anything in class.

'Earn respect' what was I thinking? It was completely my fault and partially banana's.......

The new kid wasn't wrong. I really was a terrible driver. My luxury car would really have become a killer machine if I didn't have Off and Lee around me.

By the time it was lunch I couldn't take it anymore. Guilt was eating me up. Maybe, I should have gone with that boy. He was hurt pretty badly. Though at that moment I was really angry at him for the way he had spoken, but my anger had long since dissipated.

I saw Gun walking towards the canteen so I ran towards him.

"Gun what happened to that new kid? Is he okay?"

"He is okay but had to get stitches on his left leg and doc has asked him to stay a while for observation. They need to rule out any chances of concussions. He was very angry at you P'Tay but.....but .... he shouldn't have talked like that."

"Yeah he shouldn't have!! But on the other hand I do drive terribly...!!"

Gun gave me a surprised look.  Tay Tawan Vihokratana was actually admitting his mistake. I know most people here thought that I was another of those rich spoilt brats, maybe I was to some extent, but only my best friends Off and Lee knew the real me and the real me was bit of a softy.

Gun hurried towards the canteen. He was carrying some food for Off again🙄 This Gun really showed a lot of perseverance...chasing someone like Off. Off was completely immune to the existence of this kid. Guess a lot of heartache was reserved for this boy in the future.

Just as I was about to walk towards Off and Lee, I saw mini Tum....errr...I mean....Prof.Tum's daughter.........walking towards the canteen.

My feet automatically backtracked and surprisingly I found myself standing in front of the infirmary.

A part of me probably wanted to check on the new boy thanks to the guilt trip my brain was suffering.😒

I checked the outpatient observation rooms and finally found that new kid, lying on one of the beds.

Why the heck was I here? Clearly he didn't want me around and if I had any sense I would have walked out of there immediately but no.....the little guilty nagging conscience of mine made me move towards the bed.

I wanted to turn back and run but couldn't...in my heart I knew that I was responsible for his current condition. So, I finally found myself standing in front of him staring at his sleeping form. His eyes closed, lips slightly parted and pink cheeks made my insides do a somersault.

Good lord!! He was beautiful! If only he had some manners too!!

I stood there staring at him for God knows how long and I didn't even realise when the doctor had come in. "Tay!! My boy what are you doing here?"

It was Dr.Ohm, he was a good friend of my father.

"I accidentally hit him with my car.....I mean.....it was a cat......but then he jumped.......I mean.......  I just wanted to check on him." I stuttered.

"Oh! So it was you!! You should be more careful Tay." Dr.Ohm looked disappointed.

"I am sorry uncle....... I was careless..... Please don't tell Poh....."

"Hmmm....but there shouldn't be a next time."

"Thank you uncle."

"Are you hurt too??"

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