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4 years later🌹🌹🌹


This was the seventh time I was trying to call him but it again went straight to his voicemail. Where are you P'Tay? I was pacing around worried since we were supposed to reach the hotel half an hour earlier.

My phone rang, but I was slightly dissapointed to see it was Gun. "You guys haven't even left home, have you?"

"Nope, P'Tay hasn't come back from office yet."

"You will be late for the wedding."

"I know, I know and Gift is gonna kill me."

" will soon become the ex-bestfriend"😂

"What about you guys? When are you reaching?"

"We reached already, P'Off was so scared that if he doesn't reach on time P'Lee would never forgive him and P'Tay might replace him hahaha."

"Hahaha yeah afterall they had to toss a coin to decide who would be the best man between him and P'Tay😂"

"I can't believe that those two actually fought for that🙄."

"Hmm...they are never gonna grow up. Anyways I will call you when we leave okay."

"Ummm...okay. Don't worry so much, I am sure he must be stuck with something urgent, moreover this wedding thing was so sudden, even I had a major argument with my boss to get a leave at such a short notice."

"Yeah, thankfully I just completed my last project so it wasn't much of a hassle for me but you are right who plans a wedding with a week's notice."

"But they are extremely happy. Aren't they?"

"Hmmm....what about you guys? Your husband seems quite domesticated nowadays....." I laughed remembering how I saw P'Off arguing with the local vegetable seller asking for only organic onions😂😂 I never knew I would get to see a day like that.

Gun and P'Off eloped and got married in London last year. Gun's dad still hasn't come to terms with his son being gay but Gun hopes that he may come around someday. His mom, though has supported him throughout.

Gun chuckled, "Yeah he has hasn't he?"

We chit-chatted a bit more about his married life. After Gun hung up finally I received a call from P'Tay.

"When are you coming P'Tay? We are already so late. Gun called, they already reached. Where are you right now? Do you have lot of work? Will you be able to come?"

"OMG Newwie!! Breathe!! How do I answer so many questions together?"

"We will be late for the wedding P'Tay."

"These kind of events never really start exactly on time.....don't worry so much. I am stuck in a meeting New, but I have asked P'Sasin to pick you up. I will reach there directly, after the meeting is over. I am so sorry Hin! I know it's your best friends wedding and you wanted to be on time but........"

"It's okay P'Tay I understand. I don't think Gift would even notice us missing." I tried very hard to hide the disappointment in my voice but I was really feeling low.

P'Tay was a workaholic. Both of us worked hard so that we could clear our bank loan.....P'Tay sharing the majority, he almost always overworked.

His dad asked quite a few times subtlely whether he could help but P'Tay wanted to do this on his own and I completely supported his decision. Honestly I felt more proud of him each time he turned down his dad's offer.

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