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"I think that hot sexy body of yours is definitely swoon-worthy."

I tried my best to bring out my husky voice but it was coming out all wrong. I really couldn't flirt. It was not my forte. I coudn't even flirt with Hin properly, how could I flirt with a guy who was probably scheming with the enemy to kill us all. Newwie might have spent too much time with Gun to come up with this crazy idea.

Earth was shocked, it was quite evident from the expression on his face. "Are you drunk or something Tay?"

"Hell no! Why do I need to get drunk? I just spoke the truth. It's strange I didn't notice your perfect abs earlier...wow!! You really have a sexy body." I touched his abdomen lightly for added effects.

"P'Tay don't you dare touch him!!! And don't overdo it!! Saying 'sexy' once was enough." I could clearly hear Newwie muttering, through the device he had pushed into my ears.

Though I couldn't see him I knew that he was watching my every move from somewhere.

I rolled my eyes. I was here trying to get the man drunk and shamelessly flirt with him because my own boyfriend came up with this brilliant idea🙄!!! Even Off was shocked when he heard Hin's plan.....
Hin even suggested a few catch up phrases so that I could flirt with Earth, saying I was really terrible at such things!!!! Is that even normal?? That was Gun-effect...😳

"Why are you being so nice to me today? I have tried to get your attention for a while now, but you always discouraged me and now suddenly you find me attractive?? What happened to that cute little boyfriend of yours?" Earth was no fool...he was being extremely cautious.

"My boyfriend? What boyfriend? When did I say anything about a boyfriend?" I pretended shocked and pulled it off quite well too.

"Why that little chubby white Chinese guy who was being all possessive that day after the match?"

"Oh! That guy!! He is just a junior nothing more........"

"P'Tay!! Careful with what you say!" Again Newwie's voice erupted through that little device. "This is not helping..... get him to drink P'Tay.... Otherwise he is never gonna spill their plans.......and P'Tay please don't flirt too much." I could almost imagine his pouting face when he said that last part.

Considering the fact that he was the one who had devised the plan, why was I at the receiving end of his whining??? 🤔

"Just a junior? But that day he seemed much more than a junior?" Earth arched his eyebrows and looked at me not touching his drink even once.

I couldn't do this!! This wasn't working!! I was almost about to give up when I heard Hin's voice in person, he was standing right in front of us. His expression angry and his face red he almost shouted at me, "P'Tay you cancelled on me to go out with this baboon?"

I had to give it to him, his acting skills were better than mine😏

That got Earth's attention. "What did you just call me??? Baboon??? Hahaha....... This is the first time I am hearing a chinese panda talk!!"

Suddenly Hin grabbed my hand and said "At least the Chinese Panda is an adult. P'Tay if you really wanna enjoy your evening, come with me!! At least I can be your drink buddy this one here still can't get over mama's milk!!!"

Okay that's it!!! I had heard it all😳 every possible thing that can come out of Hin's cute little mouth. I knew it was all an act yet he was pretty convincing. Though I felt that the daggers he was throwing with his eyes at Earth seemed quite genuine.

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