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Where was he?? I didn't know what to do now.  How could I make things right ......again? Hin where are you??? A week had passed since that party and I had absolutely no idea about his whereabouts.

I had already checked his dorm, his father's house, even his mother's place but he was nowhere. He didn't have close friends where he could go and the closest one was already in London. Even if she were in Bangkok I don't think Newwie would have gone to her after what happened, so where else could he be?

"Mr.Vihokratana will you please explain what is the topic of your project?" Prof. Fang  didn't look happy.

The whole class seemed to have it's attention on me now.
I stared at her clueless. She was usually not very strict but she looked disappointed right now.
I tried hard to remember my project name but came up blank.

"Ten points will be deducted...." just as she was about to take away my precious ten points I almost shouted out, "RFID based door access control Ma'am."

She nodded, "I am glad that you managed to save your points but remember there will be times when friends might not be around to help."

How the hell did she know? I looked at the floor slightly ashamed but inwardly relieved.

Off quickly tore off the piece of paper on which he had written the name of my project and saved my ass a while back. I mumbled a thank you in a hushed voice.

After the class was over, we walked towards the cafeteria and met Gun on the way. I was still hoping to see Newwie with him but no  such luck....

"Gun please tell me, has Newwie ever told you about any friend or relative or anyone close enough for him to go and stay for a week?"

Gun stared at the floor contemplating, "I don't think so P'Tay, moreover we are not that close that he would discuss such things with me. What happened between the two of you? What did you do now?"

"Why do you think that I did something?"

"There is guilt written all over your face and also you are the one searching for him."

I didn't know what to say to that since it was true but then I did what I did because I didn't want to hurt Hin....but ended up hurting him more.

"Okay I will be leaving you guys now, I have somewhere to go." Gun said walking away from us as if in a hurry.

"Hey! Wait up!!!" Off held onto Gun's wrist "why are you in such a hurry? Where are you going now?"

"Oh!..hmmm.....errr..... I am going to a family function with P'Oab....I am going to meet him now." Gun avoided looking at Off directly while Off's face had turned red with anger.

"I asked you last night why you wouldn't go out with me today....but not once did you mention Oab. I told you many times, though he is your cousin, I don't like him at all. I don't want you going with him anywhere."

"P'Off he is your rival in basketball why do you have to make it so personal? He is not your enemy ....it's just a sport. You have to be a little less prejudiced." Gun said exasperated.

"Are you siding with Oab now??"

"P'Off I am always on your side, but he is my cousin, he is family you have to tame your anger a bit."

"What do you mean by tame my anger?"

"You have to learn to be more accepting."

"Now I have to learn from you how I should behave??That guy f**king broke my leg!!!! "

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