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"I found love where it wasn't supposed to be, right in front of me. Talk some sense to me."

-I found; Amber Run

Mikala POV

"Hey, Mikala, wake up or you'll be late. Not that I care, get expelled for all I care, but since you seem like a worthy rival id rather you not." I was awoke by these words being yelled by a certain tsundere blonde.

Looking over at the clock that was placed by my bedside table, I jumped up upon seeing the time. It was ten minutes until we had to be on the bus heading to our location. I had set alarms but I must have sleep through them. Thanking the blonde for waking me up, I hurriedly began to get ready, ignoring the laughs from the chubby brunette as he watched my struggle to brush my teeth while pulling on my chiefs attire.

After seven minutes I was ready to go, looking around the room, I made sure I had everything. I was about to leave when my eyes landed on my plum colored bag that I would carry everywhere. Cursing under my breath for almost forgetting the object, I ran and grabbed it before running out the room, deciding to take the stairs rather than wait for the elevator.

Since I was on the third floor, there wasn't that many stairs that I had to climb down thankfully. Looking down at my watch I saw that the bus was leaving in less than a minute, noticing this I forced myself to pick up my pace. Spotting the bus I was to get on, I sprinted towards the huge black and white object just as the doors were closing, and for the first time in my life I was thankful for my small frame as I squeezed through the doors just before they closed.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded at the driver before walking down the aisle, flopping down in the first available seat I found. As soon as I sat down the bus pulled off, the driver completely ignoring the semi-crying girl who was banging on the door to be let in. I flinched softly upon seeing the comotion, two seconds later and that could have been me.

Once I began to breathe properly, I looked over at the person sitting next to me. Upon turning I was met with the familiar sight of Jamie. He didn't seem to notice me, however, due to the fact that he was busy staring down at his shaking hands, he had his headphones on as his music blasted. Getting the scene he was warming up for the day, I decided not to bother him and listen to my own music instead. Feeling my pockets, I didn't feel my phone in any of them. I was confused for a moment until I remembered how I was in such a rush earlier I forgot to grab the pink object off the nightstand. Groaning, I hit my head on the back of the seat.

Curse my luck, like, seriously.

Sighing, I picked up my bag, hoping to find something to entertain myself inside of the small thing. Opening the pulm bag, I scanned the objects inside. Some non flavored oatmeal, Ryoko's rice wine she gave each of us at the opening, my trusty knife, a spoon, and a half empty bottle of water.

Is this some sort of bad omen or something?

Banging my head against the back of the seat, I mentally cursed myself out. I thought I'd at least have a magazine or something inside. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down. There's no use getting all worked up over such a simple thing, I need to focus.

After deeming myself calm enough, I decided to look out the window. Since I had an aisle seat, I had to look around Jamie to watch the view. Right now we were going through a forest or something. I found myself in awe, the school grounds were that big huh? At I stared at out the window I felt my eyes grow heavy, unable to prevent it, I drifted off the sleep.




My luck today is seriously low, that was the only thought I had as I ran through the forest in search for ingredients. My instructor for this challenge was Hinako, the old hag thought it would be a good idea to have us hunt through the small forest for ingredients to make a traditional japanese dish. Since we were allowed to work in pairs, Jamie and I decided to team up. Which, now that I think about it was probably a bad idea. Neither Jane nor I were the best a japanese cooking, on top of that we both wanted to do different dishes.

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