Chapter 23: Me and Mr.coconut

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I was in the middle of a peaceful nap. Nice sounds of nature, the cool breeze and. Wait a sec. If were inside, then where is the air coming from?

I opened my eyes to see that our cabins were outside.

"Guys! Wake up!" I yelled.

"What? Who's that? Where are we?" Heather yelled.

"How did we get here?" Duncan asjed.

"Chris?" Gwen asked.

"Mommy!" Owen yelled.

"Everybody just zip it!"

I looked to see chef being lowered down by a helicopter.

"What happened to Chris?" Gwen asked.

"None of your gosh darn business happened to Chris. I'm in charge, now. And I'm gonna wish you were never born." Chef said.

/"Damn it, I hate when Chef is in charge."\

"Your mission is to find your way out of the forest, or die trying." Chef said.

"You can't be serious. WE WILL DIE" Heather said.

"Here's how it works. Team one: chubby, delinquent, Team two: grim and grimmer. Team 3: Brony and Coconut. "Chef said tossing me Owen's Mr. Coconut.

"What! Why does everyone get a teammate but me? That's not fair." I said.

"Too bad, son." Chef laughed.

/"Seriously, Chef is just.... grr... Great. Now Heather's complaining aspect is spreading too me."\

"Everything you need is in these bags. You'll navigate your way towards the base camp. The first team to tag the camp totem pole, wins." Chef said.

"And here's a tip: better set up camp before sun down because once night fall hits, you won't even see your trembling hand in front of your terrified face. Unless you got night vision goggles. But you don't." Chef teased.

Duncan ran up to Chef."Oh, please don't leave us here, I'm begging you. We won't survive."

"You have no room to complain. At least you have a teammate." I said.

"Get ahold of yourself soldier!" Chef yelled as he took off. He said something but a fly got in my ear so I couldn't hear what he said.

/"Okay, I know Chef gave everyone a big edge, but I think that I have a great shot at winning. I was the first one back for the staying in the forest for one night challenge, and I have a great sense of direction."\

Owen and Duncan ran off. I looked in my bag. Chef gave me nothing but food, and a bow with one arrow. Great, my best option for now is to follow the girls. I put Mr. Coconut in my bag, and followed them from afar.

"Camp is north, so we'll just follow the river. Easy." Gwen said.

"Yeah, as long as we're not munched by sasquatch-a-ma-call-it." Heather complained. Okay. I'll just follow them until we get to camp, then out run them.

I continued to follow them from the trees.

"Ugh! I'd kill for some bug spray." Heather complained." These mosquitoes think I'm an all you can eat buffet! Ugh! I think a mosquito boy the inside of my throat. Gag, it itches."

I chuckled a little.

"Did you hear something? "Gwen asked Heather.

I stayed hidden. They continued in the direction they were going.

"Chicks with zero sense of direction." Duncan yelled."Hey, here's a pointer. Try checking the map."

"Uh, we would if we had one. But the compass tells us north. You know, like where Chef said the camp is." Gwen said as I facepalmed.

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