Micheal myers (the shape) •

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(Before you say anything this book is being remade)

If your thinking about something cliche this is not your place I try and only write original stories with an actual thought out plot i can write the same cliche stuff you see everywhere but...I don't wanna it's just not my type of thing but I will write a book for something more traditional along the guide lines.

Micheal Myers

You my friend are a fucking rock star not really but your proud in what you do. You glee fully walked down the street for about the first time in forever. You were going to meet up with a friend you are about 13 minutes late and when you got the fire pit you were meeting at he wasn't there "s-shit" you waited about 15 more minutes before returning back home. "I can't be late again" you sighed and went back to bed for about thirty minutes then got up making yourself some Oj "mike is going to be pissed". You walked back out seeing him just standing there "can't you be less creepier!?" "Can you not be late love?". You were both 11 at this point "we're 11 and I'm not dating you my mom would kill me!" He wondered why but he shrugged it off "Hehe whatever you say love" you grabbed your bag and ran downstairs to greet the shorter boy mike "hey Mikey what's up?" "Nothing much ready to film I got a dead cat in a bag your favorite!" "Oh my god Micheal again?, you've got to stop killing these poor animals which one is it?". "What the little shit scratched you" "god your protective as hell it was a cat scratch! You killed moo moo" you both laughed at how many times you had both cursed and how you named the cat moo moo all of a sudden. then a younger kid came out "Shawn hey man what's up?" "Nothing much what's up bitchhheess" "your like 8 dude calm down" "oohhhh roasted" . "Whatever, Hey yn!"
"guys got the ketchup?" Mike smiled evilly "Nope" "I'll go get it" you ran off and got the ketchup and put some on your neck "alright how is it so far?" "Real ish" "it's cold as hell ish". "You put yours in the fridge?" "Yeah I dunno why". Shawn had gotten caught up in the subject and bored so he cut you guys off "Can we start Already?" "Yeah lets go". The trio was about to run off before Shawn's sister came out "your not going anywhere get in here" Shawn smacked his teeth "bruh whyyy" "mom said you couldn't get out of my sight now get back in here" "we're just g-" "IN now" and went back inside. "Well that's a camera man lost.

Time skip to crossing the "DITCH"

You were on the wooden plank and tried to balance it out. "is that a snake?" "AHH! Help me up help me up!!" He chuckled and pulled you up and you almost fell on him. "Heh thanks it's getting late I should head back before my mom gets off work". "Y-Yeah bye love". He kissed you and scurried home leaving you to get to your house. You sighed "god he's so sweet and different I love it". Mike went home and so did you.

15 years later
You sat silently in your room "christ what is my life?" Mike had been gone for 15 years after killing his family he left one alive I guess he had the halloween sprit in him to leave boo alone. "I'm a mess I'm a mes-" What the hell? Who was at your door. "You opened it to find a bloody and bruised man "holy shit..." "y/n...?" "You sound so familiar but who are you" "it's me mike" "no fucking way mike was always short!" He snorted "I'm a big kid now!" You remembered the joke he used to make about pampers and how he had to change boo sometimes. "Oh my god m-" you passed out on the floor cold mike walked in and slammed the door shut and passed out too. at least he had manners still. "Mikey wake the hell up man!" "Nnnn nn" "mik- is that the kitchen knife I was just using?. He nodded "how the f-" "I've been out for a year now" "AND YOU DIDNT COME SEE ME!?". "You know that place i-" "shut it I don't want your excuses!". "But i-" you got up leaving him to bleed he was begging you and begging you to take care of him to help him. You refused...until he stopped moving.


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