Legion catch up

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I don't know what to put here but hey you already know - imultifandomtrash

The game lagged again as you hit the tv with a controller but the controller seemed to go strait through the tv and into the game hitting the guy right on the head. You were shocked but that controller was your last one due to your rage fits sometimes so without giving a second thought you jumped through the tv and into the game landing right in the killers house "who are you?" Trapper questioned "uh hi yeah this is all a game and I was a player until I fell through my tv into here..." "damn your crazy" you looked over to see legion you screamed and tripped again falling "OK OK OK IM SORRY I THREW THE CONTROLLER IT WAS A RAGE FIT!" you swear you saw his mask lift as if he was grinning "she isn't crazy Evan it's true" he pointed to the controller on the counter "MY BABY!!" Evan only facepalmed and legion actually questioned your sanity itself. "So kid your going to be in the survivors house!" You felt hands on your shoulders lift you up into he air "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" you were thrashing around your hair wild and mangled now from its original form. Little did you know that well legion loved it when people struggled and seeing you doing it was all he needed to get a boner. You felt a rumble on your back a rumble of vibration from...laughter? Turns out hill billy was the one holding you all along "legions don found one he likes~~~~~" you were now blushing of embarrassment. so was he "shut it billy and take her away!" he couldn't let you die yet nope not now he'd have to go easy on you if you ever ended up in a trail with him.

legion catch up part two~

you now sat in the house of the survivors sniffling and sneezing due to the rain on the way back from the killer house, you refused to let anyone help you feeling as if they had already done enough things for you.


you were now walking away the barrier hillbilly had left you at towards the house it looked warm and welcoming but the eyes in the window you saw however weren't a man walked out from the home he looked to be in his 50's by now a cigarette in his mouth with a face of pure depression spread across it. you walked closer to the house hearing him speak once you were about 15 feet away from him "who are you?" "y..." you weren't liking the moods and vibes this guy gave off so you just said in a stern tone instead " im new around here" you looked down only to hear the man chuckle "hi im new around here im dave" your soul had a feeling of hope lift it once again you looked back up to see a entire smiling family of people you were in awe as they all started talking and pulled you inside.

flashback over}

"miss me sweet cheeks?" you looked there was legion standing there soaking wet from the rain in mothers forest "so the entity gets a girl now so do i" he walked over and lifted you up once again running back to the killers house. "can i keep her?" "legion no" "but everyone else has a girl!" you saw the doctor peek into the room "i do-" "NO ONE ASKED YOU HERMAN!" legion looked to you once again "she wants it too" you felt an object poke you in the back...a knife "OF course i do HONEY!" you were secretly dying inside though. the entity only sighed knowing what he was doing "fine legion..." he screamed and ran out then came running back with a 50 dollar bill in hand "I WIN" herman growled and went to the door opening it and looking down "hi im yn the new killer for hire-" "I GOT ONE NOW!" 

i went ahead and saved it here bc u guys and herman have a double date thingy and well i havent released in a min so here ya go!

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