Beside You

427 18 3

The next day, 8:30pm:
James' POV
I was just finished filming a video for next week. Quickly putting on a baggy tee with silk shorts.
I crawl on my bed and grab my phone from the beside table. I decide to post on my Snapchat story.
I press record and start ranting.

Hey Sisters, so I just filmed a video today. It will be going up for my next upload.
I can't wait for you guys to see it.
I was a little out of though, not gonna lie because a sister is a little sick right now.
I'm sick, tired and my love life just failed again.
So, that's fun. But I just took the time to say.
Thank you guys for supporting me and love you the most!

I post my story on Instagram and click off the app.
I rise off my bed and close my window.
The cool air isn't going to help me when I'm sick.
I just discovered I was sick last night before I went to bed, plus being stressed over everything that happened with Luke and I didn't help.
I know I stated I was tired in my story. But I'm not ready to go sleep.
I grab my TV remote and switch on Netflix.
I select Sex Education and kick back on my bed to watch.

Grayson's POV
I was sitting on the couch snacking on Lays chips, when I get a notification on my phone from Instagram.
I see that 'James Charles has added to his story' has popped up on my screen and I click on it.

It starts off. "Hey sisters..." just like always.
I stare at the screen, listening to James talk.
It comes to the part that catches my attention.
James states, "I'm sick, tired and my love life just failed again."
I couldn't help but think. " life failed?...Did James drop Luke?"

"Wow". I thought to myself. I mean I felt bad for him. But this means I can tell him I love him.
I know that would make him feel better since his sick, as he said in his story.

I get up from the couch and call out Ethan's name.
"Hey Ethan, I'm swinging over to James' house real quick".
Ethan replies blandly. "Okay".

Before I go, I make night James a soup.
A nice. A nice chicken soup will go nice. It would be a nice gesture, I suppose.
I enter the kitchen and grab out a pot.
Selecting what size will go best.
I choice the medium sized one and place it on the stove, not turning it on yet.

Firstly, I shred the chicken to make it easier for James to eat. Cause I don't know how sick he is.
I chop up the onions, celery, carrots and quickly boil the chicken stock and a generous amount of salt.

I place it all into the pot and mix it.

Moments later:
I finish cooking the chicken soup and pour it into a round container to fit the soup in.
I wrap it in a plastic bag and tie a small knot.

I walk out the kitchen, grab my keys and phone and head out the door.
Closing the door behind me silently and locking it.
I start up my car and sit in the drivers seat.
I cruise out the street and leave for James' house.

James' POV
I kept pausing the show to look at my phone, but kept it playing now.
So now I was twenty minutes into watching.

I click play in the remote and let my back rest on the headboard while sitting up.
Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring.
Ian yells out. "I'll get it". Probably greeting Loren inside.

I was surprised when I heard Ian say something. "Hey Gray...son". Sounding like he wasn't expecting anything else rather than Loren.
I hear Grayson talk. "Hey Ian. Is James home?". Grayson says with a passion, but more like asking a question.
"Yeah he's upstairs", Ian replies.

I hear walking up the stairs and the noise of footsteps coming closer to my bed.
"Hey James, how are you?"
I noticed he had a plastic bag in his hand.
"Sick, how about you".
Grayson holds his hand out. "That's why I got you this". He says excitedly. Putting the item on my beside table.
"What is it?" I question.
"I soup for you since you were sick". Grayson answers.

"Aww, Gray. You didn't have to do that and how did you know?". I murmur.
"I saw your story". Grayson replies.

I felt awkward now. He would of heard my love life failed. Oh no.
The person I had a crush on bought me soup cause I was sick and doesn't even like me.

He keeps making it harder to not love him. I throw in another question.
" why did you do this?", I whisper,
Grayson sits on the bed. Sitting beside me.
"Cause I l-love you James".'

My eyes widen. Shocked at what I heard, "love me? No you don't"
Grayson leans forward. I see him parting his lips.
Coming closer and placing his lips onto mine.
He grabs the side my face for a better grip.'
Grayson breaks the kiss and I blink twice.
"Grayson, you're going to get sick" I squeal.
"Exactly". Grayson says firmly.

Oh my gosh. Grayson must love me then. I can't believe I took a route for nothing basically!
But at least it was worth it in the end.
Grayson starts speaking.
"I don't know what happened between you and Luke. But I will take the time to say. I know I didn't confirm that I loved you back because I was confused. I was thinking three nights in a row thinking about you".

I pull Grayson for a hug. "Oh my gosh, Grayson. Thank you. I loved and flirted with you for long enough now but it worked out. You were lowkey hard to get but that's understandable...and by the way don't worry about what happened between Luke and I. I'm just happy you're here for me". I smile at Grayson after pulling away from the hug.

Grayson smiles back and replies."Of course I'll be by your let's put your soup in the fridge..."
Grayson paces down stairs and I hear my fridge opening and closing not so long after.
Grayson comes back upstairs and enters my room. He lays down next to me on the bed and pulls me in for a hug.
"You'll be better by tomorrow morning".
Grayson says before tightening the hug...

Playing Hard For You - G.D x J.CHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin