Valetines night

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Grayson's POV
Today I had something special planned for James.
I'm currently in the kitchen right now. Whipping up some food for us tonight.
I sorta kicked Ethan out for tonight. Not literally.

Tonight, even though we were at home. I tried to dress a little more than casual. I threw on a black blazer on my shirt and trousers.

I hear the doorbell go off. *ding dong*. I see James on the other side of the door. Wearing a red jumpsuit, silver belt that framed his body perfectly and clean white Balenciaga shoes.
He shouts as I swing the door open.
"Happy Valentine's Day, daddy". James yells out.
I giggle. Pulling James in for a passionate kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day, to you too".

In his hands he had a bamboo basket. With a red blanket covering it. "I'll get you to open this later". James says in a excited voice. He places the basket on the table.
I grab James' hand and guiding him to the kitchen.
"Here's a little something".

James' POV
Grayson hands me the most beautiful bundle of flowers with gold glitter around. Causing the roses to stand out a lot more.
"Oh my gosh, thank you Gray. These are beautiful". I squeal, almost crying.

Grayson leaps over to the stove. Stirring a hidden food in the pot.
After, I see him open the fridge. Pulling out a vibrant salad.
"Wow Grayson. You sure are cooking, aren't ya". I exclaim. Causing Grayson to become confident.
"Yes I did. I cooked this with lots of love and patience". Grayson says as he pulls the pot off the stove.

I see from the counter Grayson pouring a beautifully scented red sauce. I step over to the cabinets.
Pulling out plates, cups and cutlery.

I place everything neatly on the table. Grayson comes around with the dinner he prepared.
It was gnocchi.
"Dig it babe". He says as I scoop some in my plate.
Grayson does the same.
I take the first bite. "Wow Grayson, this is amazing". I moan out.
Grayson smirks. "Wow moaning already? We haven't even touched yet", Grayson teases, rubbing my thigh.

Suddenly, while eating it got oddly quiet.
The sounds of our forks scrapping against the plate as we eat.

Today I was nervous. Firstly, cause I've never had a partner to have Valentine's Day with. And secondly, it will come to me.

Grayson stood up in his chair. "James, why are you so quiet?". Grayson's says sternly as he places his fork down.
I look up. "It's nothing don't worry". I nervously giggle. Looking down at my lap.

"James, please tell me". Grayson trying to get my attention.
"It's j-just. I've never celebrated Valentine's Day ever. And I'm so thankful for right now".
Grayson looked shocked. "You've never had a Valentine's Day date before".
"Yeah. My relationships and Valentine's Day holidays haven't been my best of luck. Usually on Valentine's Day I would just stay home, watching tv, eat pizza & try on makeup looks to only rub them off the next hour".

Grayson takes his hand into mine. "James. I don't know why anyone hasn't stayed around to be their valentine. But I'm happy that you can celebrate it with me." Grayson wonderfully states.
"Thank you, Gray. It means so much".

But, suddenly. Grayson runs his hand up my hand. "I'll be right back". Grayson says as he removes the plates and stuff off the table.

He comes behind my chair.
"Would you like to have a sleepover tonight?". Grayson says. I nod in response.
Grayson holds my hand. Leading me to his bedroom.
He opens the door with a slight push.
We both enter and I look over at the bed.
It had rose petals on the covers.

I put my hand on my chest. Feeling flattered. We both sit down on the bed.
Laying down. Messing up the rose petals on the  bed.
Grayson grabs my face. Pulling me in closer.
Connecting our lips as we both hit the pillows.
I kiss back with love.

After we make out. Grayson pulls the covers over us.
I feel a hand wrap around my waist. My back meets Grayson's chest.
I snuggle closer. Intertwining our feet together as we both huddle up.

We slowly drift off. "Happy Valentine's Day". we both say in sync.

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