The Pack

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"I have the postmortem report,"Zhu Hong told them and threw the report in front of Zhao Yunlan who snapped awake with a jerk and glared at her, she continued without remorse,"The hair and a necklace were intertwined with the cord. On the postmortem examination, marked congestion and many petechial haemorrhages were seen in the face and the upper area of the neck, also in conjunctiva. A light-brown and highly dry ligature mark, about one centimetre in width, was found on the neck. The mark, crossing the front of the neck, was clearly evident from the back to the right side of the neck."

Zhao Yunlan opened the report and read, "On internal examination, congestion of the cervical lymph nodes and haemorrhages in the cervical muscles were recognized in the areas of the cutaneous congestion. These findings supported suspicions that the dry ligature mark had been caused by hanging after her death, and that the light ligature mark on the back of the neck had been caused by strangulation, which had brought on the victim's death."

"Strangulation?"Da Qing frowned, "But- not only was the girl a to be Alpha, but she was also an Alpha with a temper, a single Alpha couldn't have taken her out."

"No,"Zhao agreed, "I've got the report of the two guys who lived there, an Omega and other one was a Beta, both were at their respective homes at the time of the killing, although."Yunlan motions at Guo who runs up to him like an obedient puppy, "Read the victim's mother's thought on the Omega roommate."

"Yes," Guo flipped through the pages before reading out loud, "As an Omega the boy, Li Jie got into constant fights with Ming Lin, the boy constantly seem to tease her for not presenting, even though she was considered an Alpha. They got into constant public brawls but Ming Lin never got violent with him, coz' the boy was an Omega."

"So fucking complicated,"Zhao sighed, "Is it sexist to hit him since he's an Omega or more sexist to not hit him because he's an Omega?"

"Right," Zhu Hong said eyeing him and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "Since Omega's are considered the weaker gender among the wolves."

"So...."Da Qing interrupted, "The mother suspects the Omega boy of her daughter's death."

"The only way the boy could be involved if he sent someone to do it for him," Chu said," An Omega is not capable of taking down such a young and violent Alpha, no matter if she's presented or not."

"How many Alpha's are in professor Shen's class?" Zhao asked curiously and Guo flipped through the notes before making an 'Ah-ha!' sound and telling him, "Fifteen."

Chu frowned, "Fifteen Alphas in one class? That's impossible, that many pheromones, an Alpha can't handle that many by himself. There'd be too many fights and urges to fight the authority of an Alpha and assert their dominance. "

"Actually,"Zhu said, "Professor Shen acted as an Alpha leader to his class, the whole class looked up to him as their pack leader, this level of power and presence is amazing, this makes him ten times stronger than any regular Alpha."

"A pack consisting of that many Alphas," Zhao whistled impressed, "Beauty, brains and brawn. Can the guy be any more perfect?"

Zhu Hong frowned, "I think it's suspicious, no Alpha should be able to control that many Alpha and suppress them."

"Again, getting off our case,"Da Qing interrupted them, "Chief you want me to question this Li Jie?"

Zhao nodded, "What do her friends say?"

"Same thing as Ming Lin's mother."

"Li Jie?"

"Li Jie,"Zhu Hong confirmed and Zhao nodded, "Fine, stranger things have happened, at this point I don't consider him our suspect but, we have to question him regardless. Did you find anything in the CCTV footage?"

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