The Disappearance

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Not exactly smut but a little lemon, so I don't know, skip this chapter? It's very  little so you guys can read or skip or whatever, for everyone else please enjoy! I read and enjoy all of your comments they give me joy! I am really happy you all like this story! Okay! Enough blabbering! On with the chapter.


Zhao was very confused, he was being cuddled by a very friendly wolf, he tried again to get up but this time he felt sharp teeth on his neck and a warning growl, he froze this time in fear, but as soon as he laid back down the teeth removed themselves, he looked up and saw the wolf staring down at him intensely.

He stared back in fascination, the color red glowing in the dim room.

"Hi," he whispered softly and the wolf's ear twitched at his voice and soon the he heard the sound of bones snapping and shifting; he watched in morbid fascination as the wolf shifted back into the human Shen Wei, but Zhao noticed immediately, tha...

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"Hi," he whispered softly and the wolf's ear twitched at his voice and soon the he heard the sound of bones snapping and shifting; he watched in morbid fascination as the wolf shifted back into the human Shen Wei, but Zhao noticed immediately, that even though he had shifted into his human self the man's eyes were still red and he still looked half dazed.

Zhao yelped when the man stood up and gathered Zhao in his arms and carried him towards the bed.

Panicked he blurted out,"Wait Shen Wei, I-I am not ready for this. My body is not ready-"

Zhao shrieked when Shen Wei threw him on the bed and gasped scandalized when Shen Wei climbed on top of him,"Wow, professor Shen, you are so forward."

Shen Wei licked his lips, his teeth sharp sharp and eyes blood red as he stared down at Zhao. Yunlan with enormous self control resisted the urge to look further south, at the naked professor on top of him.

Shen Wei flipped Zhao on the side who  gasped and blushed bright red when he felt Shen Wei's hard body press against him from behind,  his arms pulled him flat against his front. Yulan squirmed when he felt one of Shen Wei's hand slip under his t-shirt while the other gripped his hips tightly.

He felt goosebumps on his neck when Shen Wei leaned in kissing his neck and nipping occasionally,"Yunlan."

Zhao shivered at hot spark of lust that went through him, he bit lips to not let out any embarrassing noises,'He's in rut,' he reminded himself, trying to calm the urge to just push back into the length pressed against his behind,'He really doesn't want this-'

Suddenly Shen Wei slumped against him, Yunlan frowned worriedly he turned around and gaped at the sleeping Professor,"Are you fuckin-"

He tires to get up but the iron grip on his hip and torso tighten, the man seem to growl in his sleep, Yunlan groaned in despair and let his head fall back down, he feels around in his pocket for his phone and looks up the contact he recently added and calls the number,"Your brother is sleeping on me, naked."

"He transformed back? Wow, you really are something, princess."

"Fuck you, asshole." Yunlan snaps,"He still won't let me up, I don't have much time, I have a case I need to work on, get me out of here."

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