The Finding

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Hello my stalkers! I mean the people who like this story! I am so glad you guys are enjoying it and your reviews telling me how much you love it keeps me going. Please enjoy this chapter!!!


When Shen Wei blinked he was a little disorientated, he blinked a few times more and yawned loudly.

"Oh you're awake?"

Shen Wei sat up with a jump at the sudden voice and looked to his left and saw Zhao Yulan driving with a smile.

"Chief Yunlan?"

Zhao Yunlan slowed the car and parked it on the side before turning to him with a curious stare,"Chief Yunlan.....? Oh, are you, back to normal?"

Shen Wei opened his mouth and closed it again,"Normal.....? What do you mean by it?"

"Professor Shen..." Zhao said slowly,"Do you remember anything while you were in your rut?"

"My what?"Shen Wei asked, his voice high pitched and strangled,"I-I don-t.....I was in my rut?"

'The doctor was wrong, you are not an defective Alpha brother. You are going into a rut.'

Shen Wei gasped when the memory hit him, but he couldn't remember anything past that, he looked at Yunlan, worried,"Wha- what did I do? I didn't hurt you did I?"

Zhao Yunlan stared at him for a while and that made Shen Wei more nervous but after awhile Zhao blinked turned back looking at the road, he started  the car and responded without looking back at him,"I see, never mind then."

It must have been his imagination but he thought that Zhao Yunlan looked a bit disappointed and upset, but was calm when he asked," I am going to mount Yu Long for a case, where can I drop you in the meantime?"

"Another case?" Shen frowned feeling protective, "Didn't you just finish a case?"

"Ummm no, that was more than a week ago, professor Shen." Yunlan glanced at him briefly before continuing," the situation is that my cousin was kidnapped by an Alpha and was taken by him to this place. I am going to rescue him."

"Alone?!?" Shen Wei demanded scandalized,"Zhao Yunlan, do you know how important you life is?"

"Sure," Yunlan replied nonchalantly, it was a way that was very similar to Ye Zun, which made Shen Wei narrow his eyes and in turn Yunlan rolled his,"I'll be fine. I have informed my team as well, so, they should be on their way as well."

"I am coming with you."

"Bringing a civilian to a possible hostile kidnapping situation? Really professor Shen-"

"You can drop me anywhere and I'll follow your scent and find you." Shen Wei told Yunlan his eyes again red who blinked at him incredulously, "I am really good tracker, the best in my house. I can locate you anywhere within a 20 km radius."

Only after saying that, he realized how incredibly creepy he really sounded, at least from a human perspective, humans were quite independent and didn't adjust well to restrictions or any form of it, while wolves lived for forming a long bond. And Shen Wei knew that Yunlan wasn't any different, the man was one of the most free and independent humans he had ever encountered. And Shen Wei felt dread crawl up his heart while thinking that he might have scared Yunlan with his words of his post-heat brain.

He watched worried as Yunlan was quiet for a while before he was laughing abruptly,"Really professor Shen," he said gleefully,"You're something else aren't you?"

Shen Wei blinked his wolf pleased at Yunlan's reaction and he watched as Yunlan's expression changed to something he couldn't identify, as he asked Shen Wei quietly,"Stay with me?"

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