The Alpha

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Guo and Chu Shuzi were going through the sketches they had for the kid, from various people. It's been a long time and the sketches varied a little in description, but some features were the same, he looked young and seemed like he belonged to a wealthy house, a pampered young master is the comment he received a few times from the people who remembered him, but although he looked like an absolutely beautiful boy he had a cold aura about him which made people hesitant in approaching him.

"Brother Chu, why is Chief focusing on this boy? He looks around thirteen years old, what could he have to do with the disappearance?"

"Just because he's young doesn't automatically rule him out as a suspect, you should know that,"Chu said sternly but his voice was soft and warm,"He's an Alpha. We can't rule out anything yet."

"Of course,"Guo nodded earnestly and pouted when Chu pinched his cheek,"so, we should take this to the Chief?"

"I am still holding out on Jing confirming the car registry so we can go and do the field work for that as well, take a picture of these sketches and send it to  Chief, Zhu Hong, Lin Jing and Da Qing. Tell them we're still out and if Jing can confirm the list of people who own that particular type of vehicle we can divide the work and get started on narrowing down the list of suspects."

"You are so cool, Brother Chu." Guo gushed as he took out his phone, Chu blushed lightly and ignored the Alpha in his chest purring,"Brother Chu, if this boy was thirteen when this happened, then right now he should be seventeen right?"

"I suppose that would be right, seventeen or eighteen is my guess to be honest." Chu hummed thoughtfully.

"This case is really complicated."

"It is. But I have a feeling that we are close to cracking it, let's wait in the cafeteria near by till we get Jing's response, my treat."

"Wah! Okay..." Guo nodded eagerly, was this a date? It sounded like a spontaneous date.


"You okay with walking with me?" Zhao asked Shen Wei who just blinked at him his expression lost and blank,"I mean you came here on foot, aren't you tired?"

Shen Wei just kept looking at him and Zhao sighed, their attempts of getting a public transport ended up in failure as Shen Wei growled at anyone in three foot radius.

Zhu Hong took his car and Zhao was left with a clingy half crazed Alpha attached to him, soon his phone pinged and he glanced down at the screen to see that there is a text from Jing, with a list of five people who own a certain Raeton CC that matches the description of the car in their surveillance footage, right down to the color.

Zhu Hong took his car and Zhao was left with a clingy half crazed Alpha attached to him, soon his phone pinged and he glanced down at the screen to see that there is a text from Jing, with a list of five people who own a certain Raeton CC that mat...

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Chu and Guo were going to question the first two on the list, Xiao Mei and Chen Li, Zhu and is going to question Huang Yan while Da Qing and Jing confirmed going after Sang Yuan.

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