The Cousin

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Zhao was very confused and frustrated, it was something everyone in SID could see as soon as he entered, as he advanced toward Guo, Chu Shuzi tensed and moved closer to the trembling Omega, but to everyone's surprise, Chief patted Guo on the shoulder before snatching the report from Chu Shuzi's hand.

"Did anyone read the report?" He asks as he opens the file then looks up to regard his team before his eyes settle on Lin Jing who nods.

"Your- I mean the victim Zhang Yuan was living in a one room apartment, his parents and siblings say that he had not been in contact with them for a while, some financial troubles led him to be isolated from them, but he was in contact with some of his friends. But a week ago Zhang Yuan didn't come to work and his colleagues couldn't contact him, so they decided to check in with one of his friend who hadn't heard from him that day either, they decided to visit him at his house in case he was sick but,um-when they got there the door was locked, so they assumed he went somewhere without informing anyone, but it's been a week and there is no sign of him, after contacting everyone Zhang Yuan might have had contact with, they filed a missing persons report yesterday."

Zhao was rubbing his temples by the end of it,"A week after the disappearance? Great. What does the police say? What does it look like? Was he taken from his apartment or he vanished from his way to work?"

"Well, the area he lived in is very populated, it-I mean, they believe there is no way anyone could kidnap him without anyone noticing."

"Did they question the people there?"

"Yes, no one knows anything, which is kind of weird, they say he was a very meek character, that he lack presence and no one really noticed him, they surprisingly quite about it."

The way Lin Jing said it made Zhao's ears perk,"Surprisingly or suspiciously?"

"Latter to be honest,"Lin Jing admitted,"Come on, your cousin looks almost exactly like you, how can he lack presence?"

"True, If I am rose he's a lily, too beautiful to not notice."Zhao agreed and Zhu Hong rolled her eyes,"he's a video game designer and has always been an introvert, I remember being surprised when he told me he had a boyfriend when he was in college, I mean- not because he couldn't have, it's just he didn't get along with anyone to maintain anything beyond, casual acquaintances, but they broke up after a year too, after that he didn't mention anyone to me."

"Were you close to him?" Guo asked and look at him! He was asking something and not shuttering, Zhao felt proud, but not as proud as Chu did given by his expression.

"We used to be inseparable, I know people with two different personalities aren't suppose to get along with each other but, we got along great, I think him being an Omega and looking for security under his elder cousin was also a big factor, his parents are Betas so it was a bit complicated for him, he once told me that I felt like his Alpha to him."

All the Alphas and Omegas in the room froze because that was a big declaration for any Omega to make and they don't make that declaration to a Beta.

Zhao cringed,"Yeah, his parents were there, after that we were told not to meet, since he'd been imprinting on me unconsciously and I didn't know any better to stop him. It was horrible, seeing him crying and shouting like that, but after that incident he became even more of an introvert and distanced himself from his family, I was very happy when he called me to tell me that he had a boyfriend, but..."

"They broke up."Zhu said softly and Zhao nodded,"He was miserable, but he said it had to be done."

"What does that mean?" Da Qing asked frowning and Zhao shrugged.

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