The Case

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Hey ya'all, hope you are well. This story is reaching its finale and I am glad all of you are enjoying reading this. Stay safe you guys! Now on with the chapter.


"Come out here princess!" Ye Zun yelled furiously pounding on the closed door of Yunlan's room, "Get out here you coward! You ruined my brother for anyone else, you have to take responsibility and marry him! No one else will have him now!"

"Will you stop that?" Jing snapped and Ye Zun growled at him all teeth and red eyes and Jing snorted, he has seen worse, "If he doesn't want to talk he won't, he is stubborn and right now he is upset, he won't listen to anyone, just give him time to think everything over.

"He can take the time he's twenty-eight!" Ye Zun snapped, "My brother is already thirty-two, he can't find a new love now! He'll take another 10 years to find someone! That is if he finds someone!"

"He doesn't have to! I am telling you it's the heat! It's making Chief all hormonal, he'll be fine in a few days! I have seen Guo doing the same thing to Chu Shuzi!"

"I don't know who these people are!" Ye Zun interrupted, "Nor do I care, he is breaking my brother's heart! No one breaks my brother's heart, not even the princess can get away with this!"

"Take care of your brother then," Jing said calmly, "If he doesn't want to come out he won't; I am telling you, you are wasting your time right now, he likes your brother and his father and I will talk to him, he'll come around. But this will only make him more cornered and angry. Geeze you should know this better than me, you are a born Alpha, you should know how Omegas are during the heat."

Ye Zun stared at him quietly for a moment and then said, "You really think that he's an Omega, don't you?"

Jing hesitated before responding, "He's something." He finally settled on saying.

Ye Zun stared at him a little longer before he looking at the door, "Fine."

Jing watched the man as he went down the stairs and sighed, he didn't get paid enough for this job.


When Yunlan and Lin Jing finally left Zhao Xinchi decided to visit their family doctor with Yunlan's blood samples. Waiting for the results might have been the longest wait he had to experience in his life.

"Dr. Wen." Xinchi greeted the older doctor who gave him a tired and insincere smile," You don't look too well."

"Well, I am fifty-five, recently married and I had your son's blood sent for 3 different types of tests to see if I can pinpoint anything. A routine complete blood count (CBC) test, a DHEA-sulfate serum test for hormonal imbalance, and finally a C-reactive protein test for any heart related or any blood infection that might have caused the convulsions."

"Infections? Did you find anything?"

"Something." The Doctor corrected obnoxiously and Xinchi kept his face carefully blank.

"Is my son going to be alright?"

"He should be," The Doctor replied before tilting his head to the side doing a pretty good impression of a cat, "But tell me Xinchi, how did your son who has less than five percent of werewolf ancestry in him managed to not only proceed to find a dominant Alpha but also imprint on him?"

Zhao Xinchi sighed, "You said that would never interfere with his life, you said having a five percentage heritage might as well be not having ancestry of the werewolves at all, that Alphas and Omegas might be attracted to my son but they could never imprint on him or bond with him. Why did then I have a very desperate and heartbroken Alpha in my house almost begging me to let him see my son?"

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