Chapter 15

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"Angelina? Hey, Angelina!" this low, sharp voice woke her from sleep or whatever it was. Before she saw the owner of that voice, she felt the rope from her hands and legs falling. She blinked a few times and saw him.

"Jacob" that is all she could whisper. It was so hard to keep her eyes open but she tried. She tried so hard. The ginger-haired man was kneeling next to her. She did not think that she will have one more chance to see him.

"Did you find John?" she muttered, so quietly.

"Not yet. Firstly, I need to take care of yourself" he informed her, before he grabbed her around the waist, and put her on the ground. She was so weak that she had to lean against his chest. After he realized how terribly cold is she, he took off his military jacket, and wrapped it around her.

"I will lead you to him" she admitted, and started to walk on her one leg because other was broken. Suddenly, she slipped and fell back against his chest.

"No, pup. I will not let you to hurt yourself more" Jacob stated, and wanted to take her in the bridal style but she resisted.

"You will waste time on looking for him. I know where he is" the girl told him. At that, Jacob finally agreed, and let her walk with his little help.

The corridors were empty. Jacob seemed to have chased them away. He probably did not come here alone. They turned into the corridor at the end of which was the room where John was. The man did not let his eyes drop out of her. Keeping her close to him, he watched her every step.

"Here" Angelina said, and leaned against the wall, when Jacob opened the door. It didn't take a long time, when he was in the room. She took a deep breath, and followed him. However, she froze, before she could enter the room.

Blood everywhere. A lot of devices which were supposed to hurt him, laying on the ground. The girl closed her mouth with her right hand, and she walked as fast as she could towards him. Towards John. However, she fell right in front of him on her knees. His eyes were closed, having his head on the chest. He looked so bad. Angelina did not even try to stop her falling tears. For a moment, she put her right hand on his bloody cheek. He was so cold.

"Is he..." she asked, Jacob who was breaking chains, in really desperate tone. He catched his brother, as the last chain let go, and checked his condition.

"He is alive. However, he is breathing really slowly, and he is unconscious. He needs to be taken to the hospital" the ginger-haired man announced that, and took John in the bridal style. For Angelina, the most important words were he is alive. After hearing them, she could finally sigh with relief.

"I need you to stay here, okay? You're too exhausted to walk on your own, and I have to take him outside. Take this. I will be back soon" he added, handing in her weak hands a black gun. She gave him delicate nod, and without a doubt, he left.

She crawled to the wall with great difficulty. When she felt her back touching the cold wall, she took a deep breath as if it was her last. Her body was so heavy, at least it seemed so. Unexpectedly, the sound of footsteps approached. Her hands squeezed the weapon and swallowed. With every second they were getting louder.

"Are you proud of yourself? Whole that damn group came and destroyed everything!" the voice of some injured man echoed through the room. He was talking to Angelina but she just pointed her revolver at him.

"Say thanks to Grace" Angela murmured, not taking down the gun, though her hands hurt so much.

"You're just that pa-" the man started but bullet went through him, making him fell on the face. She widened her eyes, not knowing if it was she or not. Suddenly, Jacob came back with his gun in the hand. With that everything got clear, it was his bullet. The revolver fell from her hands, as the man approached her.

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