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"Jacob, honey, are you crying!" Queenie asked as they were now sitting at the table.

"N-No..." Jacob said in a teary voice "I'm ju-just sweating...from my ey-es! "

Queenie let out a small laugh and kissed him.

"Hello everyone," Tina said as she stood up to offer a toast. Everyone looked at her and waited for her speech.

"Well," Tina stared "when Jacob and Queenie first got together, I have to admit...I was a little bit scared... cause firstly it was illegal to date a No-Maj and secondly, I could tell that it was serious," she smiled to herself and continued "and I-I thought that the closer she got to Jacob... the further away she gets from me! But that.... didn't happen, not only I could see more of Queenie, I see a happier... even better Queenie! It's like the way she's.... she's being completely herself."

"I'm sorry for not being so supportive to you two, at first," Tina stop for a moment and looked at Queenie, her eyes were glittering with tears. Tina started again "when you are a big sister, it's your job to teach your little sister... everything. But I never thought about what my little sister could teach me.... until now.... so I wanna thank you... thank you for teaching me that being in love.... means being yourself. And Jacob, thanks for being the friend even after I treated you as a... No-Maj... I mean I know you are... but you were always there for us... no matter what. Thank you for being the best brother in law in the world and thank you for being with Queenie, while I wasn't. Welcome to the family... or should I say... thank you for being the Family." She raised her glass and shouted in a teary voice with a smile "TO BRIDE AND GROOM!!!"

Everyone applause and raised their glasses too. Newt smiled to himself "I love you, Tina."

"You know, you're sitting just beside me, Newt," Queenie said winking.

Newt turned red and said "I... uh... I wish you a happy married life."

Tina came to join them when Queenie called "Teenie!" and hugged her sister "did you know, Newt was just thinking about you and saying 'I love you so much' " Queenie whispered.

Tina laughed and hugged her back "love you too, Queenie."

"Come and dance with me!" Jacob offered his hand to Tina.

"What! Me!"


"Jacob, you just got a WIFE!"

"Yeah of course, but I also got a sister," Jacob chuckled "now come on!"

Tina hesitates and looked at Queenie. She replied with several nodding and smiling encouragingly.

"See!" Jacob said "even now my WIFE gave you the permission!"

Tina chuckled and nodded "okay..."

"So, what you gonna do?" Queenie asked Newt as soon as Jacob and Tina left for the dance floor.


"You know, now Jacob and I are married... and soon we will be back to New York and Teenie might be back to MACUSA... what about you?"

Newt felt an unknown fear of losing Tina as soon as Queenie mentioned her "I well... I didn't decide."

Queenie looked at Newt briefly. He was looking down and his thoughts are all jumbled. "Come on, dance with me," Queenie said hooking her arm with Newt and pulling him upwards.

"W-what! No! I... uh...I don't think it's a good idea... I-I-I... I don't dance!"

"Why are you panicking!" Queenie asked.

TOGETHER AGAIN [NEWTINA & JAKWEENIE] Where stories live. Discover now