3 - Chemistry

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It's only 

in the lines of poetry

where I stand to be understood. 

I may cry and protest

in a world full of others 

who think they know what they should,

but my wants

fall on the deaf ears

of gods who have abandoned 

the battles which modern men 

have taken up against their fears. 

Bread rises in the oven

as I watch it from afar,

sleepily laying in the kitchen. 

When you know that you're a star,

you can make anywhere a place to sleep,

even if your parents

tell you that 

the floor is too dirty-

For who's fault is that,

either not exerting oneself to clean,

or encouraging a household that's a team-

A team that makes things shiny and sleek. 

We've forgotten that we 

are all a team 

on this rocky 

ball of blood and teeth. 


hold me and, maybe,

pretend that you like me 

for just another minute.

Pretend that you aren't snappy,

and that we get along-

That our romance 

wasn't doomed from the start

by some ephemeral, impossible,

yet undeniable entity

called Chemistry. 

Pretend that you see me 

as human being, too,

who wants what you do.

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