22 - In My Face

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The other day 

I said 'hey' 

to you, and 

responding, your face --

it didn't change --

and you simply replied 

in a kind of kind.

I didn't want us to be strangers-

Never thought that this 

could be so devistatin'. 

I wanna be friends, and, in the end,

actually- Always did like you.

I still do,

but it would be just the next year

'til I'd rally

the legalities 

and find myself intoxicated with fear. 

I missed the way you felt, sounded,

and dreamed

against my head

as we sat, alone,

in a dorm that I'd miss. 

I'd spend a Summer 

trying not to reminisce.

I blame your friend 

for not letting things go,

but, in the end,

what I say 

in regards to anything

just bounces back in my face. 

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