29 - Lucky You

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Lucky you-

called 'brave' when she confronts things,

when she talks about her feelings,

and when she speaks honestly. 

Lucky you-

Who gets called 'lovingly' 

when she speaks from her heart,

where as I get torn apart.

Lucky you-

Who doesn't get called down 

and can rest a little while

after she's opened her mouth,

leaving the room in style. 

Lucky you-

Whose life makes sense,

because you can take a path 

with a clear conscience 

and aren't moralized to death.

Everything is easy and fresh,

because, you know, I bet

you're just 'what people put in',

you're just totally reactive,

always on defense,

and I'm the idiotic man 

who can't find his way through a target,

drawn so nicely on a tin can. 

So, sorry if my honesty is delayed

and I reopen the wounds 

of drama -- oh sweet drama --

but, honestly, I just wanna be like you.

'cause nothing's ever your fault

you're the 'honest underdog'. 

Nothing's ever your fault.

It's never, ever your fault. 


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