16 - In The Attic

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Is this how friend-groups go out? 

Not with a bang, 

not with a roar, 

except for any kind of final clutch

that one may do 

to hold onto 

what was nothing more 

than kids 

who took each other 

for granted. 

Is this how friend-groups go out? 

The once fun memories

now embittered with the shattering of Pangea

because they thought that you 

were not emotionally dynamic

and that you held the burden of proof

of saying otherwise. 

You'll cry, non-stop, 

when you realize 

how you never should prove 

anything to them,

and how that person --

a shadowy figure in broad daylight --

tears through friend-groups

in a way where she's never brought 

to justice, to revelations, or to fights. 

Oh, but she'll cry

and your tears won't matter. 

You'll cry, 

alone, in the attic. 

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