6 - Askin' For Too Much

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You may call it 'anxiety', 

but I call it prophecy

because I'm still living.

There are, genuinely, 

things to fear.

For instance- Me

and the man I see in the mirror

couldn't be any clearer. 

I'm still alive-


I cause all the problems in my life. 

Death, which comes for us all, 

promises to make the final scene 

one which is anti-climactic. 

The warriors of Ancient Greece

all ran at their own demise

with a smile, because they surmised

that if they didn't bring upon 

the spearing of their own abdomen, then 

other such mortal ends 

would take them out at the knees

when they least expected it. 

I like to play with cards,

and I hope you'll be my friend,

but that's -- perhaps -- askin' 

for too much. 

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