35 - Toys

6 3 0

'Just don't wear 

too much makeup',

or, how about,

'Stand up straight, gallant 

to look confident'?

'Don't be so down!

Girls don't like guys 

who express themselves 

through memes, 

art, and frowning emojis'. 

'Can't you just be 

the right level of 

engaged but naive,

so as to not hurt your head

trying to have any influence

over social dynamics'? 

'What'll it take 

for you to wake up 

one day, and realize 

all of these distractions 

were made so that you

wouldn't have to face the music'.

'That these bad boys, 

and co-dependent dames, 

aren't thrilled to see

what's become of your face'. 

'These days, the world's 

an even worse place-

But don't mind that!

Please don't concern yourself

with the development

of isolation 

among your fellow humans'.

'It's just how things are evolving'.

'Do you really,

really wanna fight it'? 

'The cancer cells 

will simply regroup after being divided'. 

I don't mind your rejection

if it's honest, but 

I think many, these days, are lost

with their heads behind the toys 

they said they wanted, and thought

they'd always want. 

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