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What happens when you die? Some say you go to Heaven or Hell depending on what type of person you are. Others say you come back as a new person, or an animal. Others say that if you have "unfinished business" you stay as a ghost. It ranges, but there has to be an actual answer. Is there?

What if it's more of a dictatorship?

What if it's decided for you, not just if you'll get into Heaven or Hell.

What if it's run by a council of eight. Eight chosen souls who've lost their lives. Eight ghosts choosing if you pass onto into the afterlife or stay on Earth.

What if being on Earth is actually a punishment. A punishment for not meeting expectations set in place. It sounds like paradise, and it is for some. Being able to see your family, friends, people you've loved. It's paradise and a wish come true, but sooner or later you'll grow restless.

Watching people die off, the ones you love. You want to see them in Heaven or wherever they went. But you can't. You're stuck on Earth for entirety. Even if you somehow do everything you wanted to do, get rid of that unfinished business, you're still stuck.

You grow restless. You lose sanity. Everything is falling apart.

What if the afterlife is a dictatorship. Not just decided by Jesus or whoever you believe in. But by eight souls.

This thought never strikes our mind.

But it's the thoughts we don't think that are the true ones.

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