Chapter 8: Countdown to insanity

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It's been a week since he had died, and he was no where near leaving New Fawn.

He had become accustomed to his surroundings, he knew the places in his area, along with the people. He found himself watching and taking note of their routine, he even learned some of their names.

Jane Colson; Works at the flower shop, walks to work, always carries around a black purse on her shoulder.

Harold Paré; He's a teacher, visits the dry cleaners almost daily. An average Joe.

Patricia; Her last name was still unknown to Hedrick, but she was always at the library. Her girlfriend comes with her sometimes.

Just to name a few.

He didn't know why he decided to remember all this information, his agenda was to leave, not to get attached to the citizens. Yet, he found himself clinging to New Fawn. Always coming back to the city he had arrived in.

He made some progress, exploring other parts of New Fawn. Hedrick was currently doing this, he made his way through the new town. It had toy stores and shopping malls galore, a more materialistic town, he presumed. He didn't bother remembering town names, only their location. This town was North of Hangman's Hell.

He had gotten used to his new body–could you even consider this a body? His new form at this point. He wasn't surprised when he was able to view through his hands, or not see his reflection in windows.

He didn't bother trying to avoid people, he just passed right through them. They didn't even notice. He also stopped crying, the situation was still unbearable, but he hadn't brought himself to cry over it.

He still wanted to be at home, but that was unlikely. He couldn't even bring himself to leave this damn Hell Hole, how would he be able to go home at this rate? Not like it would matter. No one would notice him.

That was the truth, no one would be able to see him, hear him, or even feel him. He would just have to watch from afar, watch them live their lives without him in it. He longed to see Max, he longed for his family. He wanted to be home. Not in some Hell Hole he's come to despise over the small amount of time here.

"Welcome to Hangman's road to Hell, hope you enjoy your stay," He sung, humming the song he had made up for his prison helped take his mind off things.

"You've got no one else to blame. It's you're fault you're here, so all you can do is pray."

He wasn't the type to sing, but many people said he was good at it. He only laughed, rolled his eyes, and said 'Please, me of all people? A singer? You're mistaken.'

He continued to hum the rest of the song, he knew no one would hear him, but he wasn't comfortable with singing the rest out loud. He passed by more shops and stores, most selling very expensive items. This town must be making thousands he thought, his town's amount of stores would never amount to the amount of stores here.

He wasn't paying much mind to the product, until he passed by a store with TVs on display. They were on, showing the news.

"It's been a week since the death of sixteen year old Hedrick Noman, still no evidence has been found to decipher the killer."

Hedrick turned towards the TV, hearing his name left a bad taste in his mouth, especially on the news.

"As some may know; there have been three previous cases like this over the course of the past few years. This case being the fourth. The cases all have many details in common; an unknown killer, the victims have at least one body part cut off or nearly removed, the victims were all in their teens, and the attacks all took place at night. What makes the case of Hedrick Noman, however, is the attack took place pretty far from the other attacks. Goodluck Road is at least 3 hours away from Campbell Avenue, the location of the previous attack."

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