Chapter 14: A-one, a-two

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No Head danced around the streets with a new found joy, actively finger gunning at random objects and people, "Mornin' Mr. Fire Hydrant!" The fire hydrant didn't respond. But he didn't care, he kept spinning around the roads.

"Good morning Ms. Window! Good to see ya, Dear Trash can! Hats off to you, random citizen!"

He attempted a bow, but it obviously failed, can't do that if you have no legs. But No Head didn't mind, his mood couldn't be messed with today. Even the people ignoring his kind greetings.

"Can't blame them... they can't see me," He reassured himself, waving at a small child, who didn't see the hand. He merely shrugged, continuing on with his day. He shimmied across the street, doing random hand gestures with the biggest grin on his face. It'd been awhile since he felt this way, but that didn't matter anymore, he planned to stay happy for the rest of his stay here on Earth.

You can already tell what's going on.

He, had he had feet, "skipped" in front of a electronics store, pausing when he heard a sound come from the window. He turned, finding the newscaster speaking.

"Locals are still shaken up about the Hedrick Noman case," He reported, straightening his papers, "No new evidence has been found, but we all digress, our sympathies still go out to his friends and family."

Seriously? No Head thought, if you don't have new evidence, don't bring up the case. It's been months! He scoffed, turning from the tv screen, why would anyone continue broadcasting a case- one that's been cold for months, mind you- without any more evidence? It just seemed unnecessary, sure it's a tragedy but come on! He was about to continue down the road when the reporter suddenly cleared his throat.

"Speaking of the Noman case, we have an exclusive interview with the boy's best friend, Max Levlen."

No way.

It couldn't be.

Hedrick's eyes slowly turned towards the screens, holy hell. Sure enough, there, projected on at least ten different tv screens in full HD was Max. The Max.

It felt unreal, it was hard to wrap his head- well, lack of there of- around it. Sure it had only been a handful of months, but Max looked aged, no it wasn't like he appeared to be a middle aged man with a mortgage and a divorce, he was still obviously sixteen, but he definitely seemed more mature. Guess death just did that to people. He stood with his arms crossed, wearing a green sweater, his hair must've been combed before hand, he, overall, was a more neat version of himself.

"So, Mr-"

"Just call me Max."

"Right right, so, Max, we understand these past few weeks has been rather hard on you-"

"You kidding? You have no idea how rough it's been! But I'm getting better."

"How so?"

"Well... I've started therapy, I'm reaching out to friends and family, I'm... just open about my pain, and the people around me are helping me the best they can."

No Head was frozen in front of the glass, good for Max! He was proud of him, but he felt sick... his death had had THAT big of an impact on him to the point where he had to start therapy? God... he didn't want to see Max in pain, it hurt him just thinking of it, yet his eyes remained glued to the screen.

"On the topic of friends and family, how are the others you know handling this mess? Have they moved on?"

Max forced a laugh, tugging at his sleeves, "Well you never really 'move on' from something like this, but everyone I know is doing better!"

Ghosts, Ghouls, and the Inbetweens Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora