Chapter 4.5: Investigate

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"What was the call about again?"

"Something about a 'ghost'."

"A ghost? Seriously? Do they think we have time to put up with fake shit?" Trisha asked, clearly angry. Her hair was a stone cold black, and her eyes were a light blue, almost white, of course at the police station she was known as Officer Brooks.

Her partner, Officer Landon Flynn was a bit of a wet blanket; a complete push over. "Well, we were assigned the case. We gotta crack it, you know?"

"Whatever, don't they know I got a kid at home that I should be taking care of?"

"Trisha calm down; I'm sure Luke can handle his own for a bit."

"Landon he can't, I already told you this." She groaned, her anger was getting the best of her. This case was stupid, ghosts weren't real.

Despite her lashing out, Landon only sighed. "Let's just check the security footage, we have a warrant, might as well use it."

Trisha stepped forward, Landon started playing the security tape back to the time of the alleged 'ghost attack'. Everything seemed normal, until they seen a girl drop her stuffed animal.

Just like that, it somehow floated behind her, and was back in her hand.

It floated.

"Holy shit, did you see that?" Trisha shook her head, she did see it, but she was in disbelief. Landon nodded and continued to watch, hoping that was just some glitch in the tape.

But the girl dropped the animal again. This time her mother was watching, once again it started to float. When it was back in the girl's hands, the mother screamed.

What happened next was a series of panic. People ran as random objects were moved slightly. Others jumped, as if something touched them.

Landon stopped the tape, his face was pale. He slowly turned to Trisha, who looked like she had seen a ghost. Frankly, they both did.

"Call the Lieutenant." She said blankly.

"Tell them we have a real life ghost case."

Ghosts, Ghouls, and the Inbetweens Where stories live. Discover now