Chapter 1: That damn night

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It was dark, around Twelve AM. You would think that nights like this it'd be quiet. But it was the exact opposite.

Loud music was booming from the small house of the Levlen's family. A party was being held, and it sure was a big one. The host, Max Levlen, was taking clear advantage of the fact his parents were out of town.

Many people he didn't know too well showed up, but one of his most important guests was his best friend; Hedrick Normin.

They had history, friends ever since second grade. Now they were sixteen and sophomores. Their bond still as strong as ever.

It was late. Unlike Max, Hedrick didn't like staying up too late. "Hey Max, I'm gonna head out."

Max turned around, his blue eyes filled to the brim with joy. "Aw, so soon? Alright, do you want me to drive you home?" Hedrick shook his head.

"I'll be fine on my own. See you tomorrow?"

"Definitely." Max said with a big smile.

Hedrick did as he said. He left and started to walk down the street. His eyes adjusting to the dark as he went down the sidewalk.

He had walked from Max's house to his own many times, usually in the daylight. But he didn't fear the dark. The dark was the least of his fears.

Hedrick hummed as his feet touched the concrete. That sound wasn't much, but he loved it. He loved the small sounds and such in life.

The chirping of birds, feet lightly touching gravel, the cool breeze of a spring day. It made him happy. He didn't know why, but he felt a sense of comfort from these small things.

"Hey, kid."

Hedrick immediately heard the call, looking in its direction. There, in an alleyway was a masculine figure. He could barely see the man, but Hedrick could tell he was wearing a jacket, and he seemed rather gruff. His clothing was messy, and he was in serious need of a haircut. Hedrick passed this alley several times from and on his way to Max's house, but not once did he see a man in there.


Hedrick was hesitant, but responded anyway. He put his hands into his pockets, the man seemed to smile. "I want to show you something, mind stepping in here?"

What kind of stupid question was that? Hedrick knew this wasn't good news. "I... have to go home. Sorry." He began to walk off.

But suddenly, he was tugged back. The man had grabbed onto his arm, pulling him back to him. "No one walks out on me, you stupid cunt."

The man had something in his free hand, he raised it into Hedrick's view. A knife. The boy's heart raced, he was being attacked, and there was no way out. He tried to let out a scream, but his panic took over. He couldn't bring himself to shout.

"Say goodbye, kid." The man was completely apathetic. He clearly didn't care that he was stripping a teenager of his life. Hedrick finally let out a shriek. But it was too late.

The knife pierced his throat. Everything suddenly went black. The last thing Hedrick seen was a smile curl onto the man's lips.

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