Chapter 6: Check In

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"Righty? What are you doing?" Right Leg came closer, the eye groaned, her mirror shined under the light above. "Looking into my reflection, why do you ask?"

R.Leg peaked at the mirror curiously, her reflection showed in the light blue mirror, she smiled. "I always wondered how your power could be so great."

R.Eye rolled herself, "You say that about everyone's power."

"But it's true, don't you ever wonder how we were gifted with such great abilities? Why we were chosen to be so powerful?"

"It's simple, we were chosen because we were the best, the strongest to take control of these abilities, that's it."

R.Eye turned to face the leg, "And you were the second strongest, after Left Leg." R.Leg frowned.

She had heard this story many times, she had he memorized at this point. It still didn't answer her question, why was she the strongest? What determines wether you were the strongest or not?

The was the question no one had the answer to. No matter how many times it was asked.

"You should stop asking us this stuff, you're the second in charge. You should know this."

"That's the problem, I don't!" R.Leg scoffed, she was angry. She wanted answers, but she was the one to be giving them.

The eye only sighed, "Whatever, you're our leader. It'll come to you eventually." With that, R.Eye floated off, leaving her mirror behind. R.Leg quickly noticed.

"Wait, Righty!" She was ultimately ignored. She glanced back at the mirror, her reflection was clear.

Her cape which was a navy blue, and the gem holding it together. A green jewel, she didn't know the name of it, but it was a magnificent bright green color. Then there was her, a leg.

That was it, a leg, a leg with eyes. She had been cut off at the knee, so she wasn't that tall. L.Leg was like this too, he also had a matching cape with a red jewel. Everyone here was some type of body part, that was the council. Those were the rules.

They had everything, eyes, arms, legs, a mouth and a torso. They were just missing a head. Not that they needed the extra member, they were efficient enough with the current members. She couldn't help but wonder what the council would be like with the extra member.

Things would go by even quicker, possibly. That or there would be more arguments. Even then, arguments ended the same, everyone took L.Leg's side, he was the leader, she was the second in command. But would the other member take her side? It was plausible, but unlikely.

All these thoughts about heads brought her to think about that kid. What was his name? Hedrick? Didn't L.Left call him No Head? That's right, he was supposed to be a head.

But he didn't, that's why he was punished. She continued to stare into the mirror, the more she looked, she wondered how scared he must be.

Alone, dead, it's a whole new world. What would it be like if he was a head? She sighed, "At least he has the power I gave him."

She was about to ponder longer, but her thoughts were interrupted. "Right Leg, break is over, we have another soul!"

"Coming!" She took one last look into the mirror, "I hope that kid's okay." Then she forced a smile.

With that, she headed back to the courtroom.

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