Chapter 9: Stars

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No Head made his way down the road, passing by, or through, groups of people along his way. Today was the day of his funeral, he felt even worse than before acknowledging this fact. Knowing that today his loved ones were crying over his death was... unsettling.

He considered picking up the pace with his search to go home, just to be there in time for his funeral. But he didn't know where he was or how far away his destination was. For all he knew, he was twenty hours away from Max's house. So that plan was out of the question, unless he found his way to Goldluck Road in the next few hours seeing his funeral was never gonna happen. He didn't know why he wanted to see his own funeral, some strange impulse urged him to.

Maybe it was so he could see his grieving family, so he could give them a pat on the shoulder or a hug, make them feel better although they won't be able to see him. Maybe it was that he wanted to be with his loved ones for support. Or maybe it was to see his body one last time, before it's eventually buried and decays.

In truth all three of these options were true, he longed for each and every one of them. He longed to see his parents and Max, he longed to feel at home again, and he longed to see himself again. Not this husk of two eyes and a mouth.

He wondered how his parents were doing, of course they were mourning, they had just lost their only child, but how were they handling it? Mom wouldn't have taken it easy, she never has. She would cry and cry for days on end, honestly she would cry for years.

This may seem like a normal reaction to your child's death, but Mrs. Noman takes normal emotional reactions and times them by ten. Had he not had a huge amount of respect for his mom, we would describe her as such; weak. She was quick to tears, anything and everything would make her sob. If he cried, wether he hurt himself or was just having a bad day, she would cry with him.

It was also easy to tell when she had been crying. Her eyes would get puffy and red, and salt lines would come down her cheeks. She's where No Head got his massive amount of sympathy from.

That and puffy eyes with a dash of salty tears.

But his question was, would his dad cry? His dad had to be the 'strength' of the family, the one who was emotionally stable and didn't let small things bother him. He was strong in some terms, but having to be calm and deal with the family problems isn't good for ones emotional state.

No Head knew this, well, Hedrick knew this. He knew his dad had to be strong and not show weakness. Alas he never said anything, his father would just brush it off, saying he was fine.

To think these polar opposites got together.

The emotional.

The silent.

The whole Opposites attract spiel was true in his parent's case. Yet they fit perfectly, married for twelve years and had their own child.

Emphasis on had.

He sighed, he knew better than to think of this. He assured himself they were mourning, even crying. Max and his family were mourning, everyone he loved missed him.

He looked down in his hand, staring at the, now tinted purple, ground. God he hated how he dwelled on this, he kept telling himself he would push forward and get home. Yet here he was contradicting himself- still in New Fawn thinking about his past. He was getting nowhere, and this didn't help.

He watched tears fall to the ground. Oh for the love of god, he thought. Not again.

He wiped his tears away and sighed, he needed to keep going. He might have missed his funeral, but he was still getting home one day, he just had to try.

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