Chapter 15: Interrogation

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No Head had made his way out of that park days ago, and now was back to busy streets and buildings galore. He looked around the area closely, looking for anything interesting to document. Of course he continued to memorize mundane things, like how many cars passed by every hour and the people who regularly visited certain restaurants and bakeries, but once again, it lost its charm fast. He wanted some excitement, something that didn't happen everyday. Like maybe a band would play in the park, or some celebrity would be caught buying a plain cheese pizza, bonus points if they swore they were going vegan.

But alas, that didn't seem to happen anytime soon. Just people walking through and cars driving by, it rained on the occasion, but it wasn't enough to be considered rare. It was nearing winter, maybe it would finally start snowing. He loved the snow, and now that he was a ghost, he could certainly get away with some unplanned and uncalled for snow ball fights. Maybe he could even build a snowman, but it was still November, so he would have to wait until then.

He strolled through, humming a random tune. Eyes out for anything intriguing, besides the usual everyday occurrences. He stumbled upon a rock on the ground, giving it a small shove. It rolled for about two seconds before coming to a complete stop. He pouted, before passing the rock without a second thought.

"Hmm, wait, I got it!" He thought out loud, "What was that thing Mr. Whats-his-face told us... metaphors?" He quickly remembered the topic, grinning, he cleared his throat and did his best impression of his English teacher.

"The rock not moving is symbolic of homesickness, since it didn't move too far, it wanted to stay in its original spot."

He glanced around the scenery. "And that leaf blowing in the wind represents freedom, something we people have an abundance of. The leaf, unlike the stationary rock, wants to explore and see new places. Can we blame it?"

He looked at a car driving by, "Those tires shows how doing hard tasks toughens up the person doing it. How so? Because I said so, moving on!"

He giggled to himself, looking around for some more made up symbolism. "The clouds being able to take different shape show the flexibility the human mind has, as its able to adapt to many different situations. Oh! And that door? It's blue to show the melancholy that comes with leaving something behind. Amazing, right?"

This time he burst out laughing, not that he cared if anyone judged him, they couldn't see him! He finally regained his composure, taking a deep breath and finally moving on. He started reading the signs on buildings, hoping there'd be something cool. Maybe he'd find a bakery that sells cakes in the shape of pies and vice versa, or maybe he'd find a grocery store with the good grapes. Possibilities were endless in North Hangman.

'Olipium bakery'

Oh sweet, maybe the pies would be shaped like cake. He slipped inside, it was rather busy, but there we no cakes with wild designs. Plus, no one seemed to be famous, just some regular who may have some student debt. Slightly disappointed, he stuck his tongue out and promptly exited. The next thing he came across seemed to be a fancy restaurant, the 'Wine Red Plaza', upon further inspection, it definitely wasn't a plaza, but he gave it credit for being creative.

He pressed himself up against the glass, looking around at all the different patrons. He noticed there were two people sitting at the window seat, actually, it was hard to notice them when you were pressed up against the window they're sitting at. He assumed they were some couple, or some friends just out to eat, who knows. The glass was thin enough for him to hear their conversation.

"Trish, don't you think we should stop? The case was dropped weeks ago..."

"Shut up, Landon, we're close to the trail. Multiple instances of floating objects in this town, which is just five miles from New Fawn, where the first instance of a ghost attack happened? Sounds too fishy to not be looked into."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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