Chapter 1.5: The news

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A young man was found dead on GoldLuck Road hours ago at 2:37 AM.

"Hey Janice, what are you watching?" Max walked over to his older sister, who sat on the couch. It was 9 o'clock in the morning, Janice got back from her job hours ago. She made Max clean up the mess that the party had made, and they swore to never tell mom or dad. "Just the news."

She sighed, brushing her hair. Max sat down next to her. "Someone died on GoldLuck Road? That's just minutes from here!" Janice rolled her eyes.

"Its probably nothing."

"Nothing? Death is a serious thing!"

"Well I'm changing the channel before you get emotional."

"No, don't. I wanna watch."

Janice groaned, she kept the news on.

Around 2:37 AM a couple found the body of a young man in an alleyway on GoldLuck road. They couple say they spotted a shoe peaking out from the alley, and seen the body poorly hidden behind a garbage can.

"Sucks to be that guy..." Max said, he felt sick. He kept watching, trying to find out what happened to the guy.

The body was found nearly decapitated.

"How do you nearly decapitate someone?" Janice asked, placing the brush down. "Well, their head is holding onto a small piece of the body, I guess."

"That's fucked up."


"Shh, they're naming the victim."

The victim has been identified as sixteen year old Hedrick Normin just an hour ago. His family are in deep mourning.

Max felt a chill run down his spine. "W-who?"

Janice looked at him, "Isn't that your best friend?"

Max stared at the tv, his face pale. "No... it can't be."

Here are some pictures of the victim.

On the screen showed photos of Hedrick, before his death. No... this had to be a joke. Some sick joke!

"This can't be happening."

Janice frowned, "Max?"

"This cannot be happening at all! It's a joke! It has to be!"

Tears were in his eyes, he wanted to scream, he wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. He didn't know how to feel or what to think. He was sad, but he was also angry.

Janice felt tears build up in her eyes, she didn't want to see her brother hurt. "Max, it's going to be okay."

He turned to face her.

He couldn't hold it back, tears ran down his cheeks. "No."

"No it's not."

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