Chapter 3: Wake up Call

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Hedrick woke up again.

Once he did, he looked around, certain that the whole 'Godly Eight' Thing was a dream.

Yet, he wasn't on Max's couch. He wasn't in a building at all. He was in the middle of the road.

Strange, but he decided not to dwell on that now. There were other, more important things to handle. Like the fact a car was coming.


A car was coming.

Hedrick looked straight at it, it wasn't stoping. He panicked, covering his face with hands. He knew he wouldn't be able to get out of the way in time.

But, he didn't die.

He opened his eyes, the car seemed to...

Go through him.

"Wait a second."

He looked around, he wasn't familiar with this location. He looked down at his hands, praying to see a set of five-fingered, peach hands. But he didn't. He only seen a translucent purple, two hands (with four fingers) who's 'nails' were sharp. They weren't connected to anything, they just floated there, almost ominously.

Hedrick rapidly looked around the area, seeing a few stores on the side of the road. He rushed over to one, which just so happened to have a window. He stared at it.

But there was no reflection. Just a look in to the products being sold at the store. He tried to feel his face, but there was nothing there. He searched for something, anything to touch, and he did find something. Although when he touched it, he felt an irritation in his eye.

What did the Leg guy say he was again? A floating pair of eyes and a mouth. Holy shit.

He moved his hand around the object he was grabbing onto. Sure enough, after moving up farther, his vision was blocked. Hedrick stared at the store window. His mind was blank, he didn't know what to think, what to do. But, he was dead.

What was he supposed to do? How could he reverse this? He knew the answer to these questions. He can't do anything about what had happened. He was dead.

You can't reverse dead, no way in hell.

He hated this new information.

He was in pain.

Hedrick let out a scream. A long, loud scream. It was a pained scream, no other emotion but pure, trembling pain.

Sadly, no one else but him could hear it.

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