BTS Jimin x Reader

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You loved bookstores. They had a certian calming atmosphere even during the the busiest times of the day. But the best time was at night, when almost no one was there. You were currently searching the bookshelves for something new to read. The store was basically empty, except maybe one or two workers at the front of the store, considering it was midnight. 

You were sitting on the floor with a book that looked interesting open on your lap. Footsteps rounded the otherside of the bookshelf, farthest from you.  You looked up slightly to see who wandered into the aisle.

 A tall gorgeous man stood at the end of the bookshelf. You gaped at him and his beautiful black hair that framed his face and accented his strong jawline. He was only dressed in a simple black t-shirt and sweatpants, but goddamn, the man looked good. You then realized your position on the floor that didn't exactly scream 'ladylike'. 

You stood up quickly trying to be naunchalant. You put the book back on the shelf no longer interested. You decided to busy yourself by skimming over the next few books and ended up picking up To Kill A Mockingbird. One of your favorites that you'd read countless times. The boy started inching closer, but you barely noticed.

 "Excuse me?" a voice sounded next to you. You looked up to see him standing right next to you, his dark brown ones staring intensely into your (E/C) ones.

 "Me?" you questioned, blushing. He chuckled. 

"Yes you, have you read that book," he pointed to the book in my hands. Your cheeks heated more. 

"Y-yes I have. It's one of my favorites." You looked down at the book folding it over in your hands, anything to avoid his peircing stare that held you in place. 

"My name's Jimin," he said. "(Y/N)," you said back timidly. 

"So-um, if you don't mind, could you tell me what all the hype's about?" you raised an eyebrow, "Not to be rude or anything," he rushed, scratching the back of his neck. You're eyes brightened, "Yeah, of course," you said smiling. 

You and Jimin had been talking for almost an hour about different books you'd both read and laughing hard at his comments and jokes. 

"What how could you never have read The Great Gatsby? It's a classic." he stated. You shrugged you shoulders, "I never got around to it. It doesn't spark my interest." He rolled his eyes and stood up, reaching a hand down to help you stand up. 

You accepted it eagerly. His hand was warm and fit perfectly around yours. He dragged you the 'Classics' section, not letting go off your hand. He found The Great Gatsby and grabbed it with his free hand.

 "I'm buying you this. You have to read it,"he said while dragging you to the check out counter. You stopped him by pulling on his hand. "Only if you also get To Kill A Mockingbird." He rolled his eyes, "Ugh-you're tough to please," he groaned, "but fine." 

You smiled and led him back to retrieve the book. He watched your form as you lead him and he couldn't help but smile. Afterwards you both stood in the parking lot by his car. "I'll see you around Jimin," you said turning to leave. He grabbed your arm and turned you to face him. 

Then he hugged you. His warm body pressed against you was a stark contrast to the cold winds of an October night. You blushed before you wrapped your arms around his waist, savoring the moment. You two stayed like that for a bit before he pulled away. "I'll see you later (Y/N)," then got in the car and drove off, leaving you stunned and fuzy on the inside. 

When you got home you kicked off your shoes and hung up your jacket on the rack. You sank into your couch with the copy of The Great Gatsby Jimin had gotten you in your hands.

You felt bittersweet that you had met such a handsome and sweet guy who'd gotten you a book, but you didn't have any way to contact him.  Sighing, you looked at the clock. 2:53 AM. You weren't tired yet so you decided to start reading the book Jimin recommended.

 When you opened the book, the spine cracking, a yellow sticky note was placed on the first page:

 'I had a lot of fun and wanted to know if we can meet up again. Meet me in front of the same bookstore from tonight at 8 tomorrow night. If you can't here's my number: 854-284-XXXX


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