Are You Thristing Me Alexander?

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Alec's POV
I can't help think of Magnus and the look of hurt on his face as my mom is driving me home and I feel horrible.

"What's wrong Alec? What happen? I thought you were passed this?" My mom questions me harshly. I stay quiet not knowing what to say. You may be wondering how did my mom not know I ran off stage at the Outstanding Young Writers awards ceremony simply because she was not there and Izzy was not about to tell her knowing I'd be scolded.

"Alexander I took off work for this what is the matter with you!?"She shouts. I almost flinch but instead I just say, "Pull over."

"What?!" She asks. "I said pull over." I spite. Yes I know I'm being rude but I'm done with my moms shit she is never there and has the right to ask what is wrong with me.


What I did next is questionable, not questionable just all around fucking stupid. I jumped out of the car.

To be fair we were only going like 35 mph doesn't make it any less stupid. I got up surprisingly uninjured and ran, just booking it.

I cut across a parking lot and reach a side walk where I just start walking casually like I didn't just jump out of a fucking car. I check for my phone in my pocket when I reach in my pocket I cut myself. Nonetheless my dumbass pulls it all the way out to see it's in shards so I see a trash can and throw it away.

Man I am not giving a single fuck today. I'm casually walking down the sidewalk as someone pulls up in a Lamborghini and drives beside me well that isn't creepy. The tinted window rolls down, oh fuck am I going to die? I mean at least I went out with a bang.

I hear a voice, "Alec?" It was Magnus's voice... I keep walking but faster I don't know why I can't out walk a Lamborghini.

"Alec please stop." It was almost a plea. "Why?" I ask. "Because Alec you're walking in the bad part of the neighborhood covered in blood. Now could you stop and get in the car." He says with genuine concern.

WAIT COVERED IN BLOOD! I start to panic. I look down to see my shirt is soaked in blood from a cut on the upper part of my chest. Adrenaline man does crazy fucking things.

I look around and realize this is a really shady part of town. And even though getting in Magnus's car is on top of one of the list of the last things I want to do. Getting shot is number one. So I get in.

"Okay good may I ask questions are is this top secret?" He says as he starts driving. I glare and him and say.

"I'm not in the mood for witty banter." Then clench my jaw. "Well okay then... Asshole" I hear him say whispering the last part. Suck a dick Magnus lord knows you do it enough.

"okay I'm sorry for calling you an asshole but that was uncalled for." He says kinda hurt. Fuck I said that out loud I stay quiet. I look around and see the clock 4pm...

Holy fuck my mom picked me up at 1pm I was walking for a really long time. All of the sudden I have the urge to take of my shirt because it's getting really uncomfortable.

8forgot that I'm in the car with Magnus and pull it off. He looks at me and says, "Are you thirsting me Alexander?" I blush.

"Sorry it was uncomfortable." I whisper. "No need to apologize." He says smoothly. All of the sudden he's pulling into a clinic parking lot.

"Why are we here?" Then I realize I never asked where we are going or gave him directions I'm so stupid. "Well Alec you have a huge cut on your chest." He says.

I don't question and just walk in with him all of the sudden someone whistles and I realize someone cat called me probably because you're walking around with out your shirt on dumbass. Magnus grabs my arm and walks faster.

"Magnus!" A woman yells as we walk in, "Cat!" Magnus yells back. "Why are you here?" Cat I'm amusing asks.

"My friend Alec here has a cut on his chest." Magnus reply's. I just stand there and wave awkwardly.

"Oh that is a nasty cut, how did you do that?"She ask as she look and mutters, "I think it might need stitches."

Without even thinking I say, "I jumped out of a moving car." They both look at me with great concern.

"YOU DID WHAT PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING?" Magnus yells. "Why are you yelling and no I'm not joking my mom was pissing me off so I jumped out of a car." I say calmly.

"Alec, what is the matter with you?" He asks. There's that question again... Well maybe there is something wrong with me.

I get up and attempt to walk out but Cat pushes me back down. "I don't know where you're going." She says.

Ughh I just want to go home. Magnus must have saw the look on my face because he reached out and touched my shoulder,

"Alec are you okay?" He asks in a compassionate voice. I never get to answer because somebody stomps in and yells, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BROTHER WHORE!"


*So what did you think? love Alec In this chapter. Tell what you thought.

*im sorry I know the spacing is horrible
,but I'm trying 🙃

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