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it was monday, jeongguk's alarm blaring loud. namjoon wiggled in jeongguk's hold, trying to squirm away and turn off the loud noise. he whined, scrunching his face. "ggukie, turn it off.." namjoon stuffed his head in jeongguk's side. jeongguk hummed, turning over and silencing the alarm.

he blinked his eyes open, squinting at the time. "bubba, we got school soon. gotta get up." jeongguk pecked namjoon's face, the latter whining again and rubbing his face against jeongguk. said boy hummed, wrapping his arms securely around namjoon and sitting up with him.

namjoon huffed, opening his eyes. jeongguk smiled, and namjoon blew at his face. "mean." namjoon pouted at jeongguk.

jeongguk let go of namjoon, kissing his cheek before getting up and walking to his dresser. namjoon rubbed his eyes, standing up and stretching with a quiet groan. jeongguk threw some clothes towards namjoon. "thank's." namjoon grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and throwing it to the side.

he reached for his pants, jeongguk turning around and starring at the other boy. his cheeks flushed, gaze traveling over namjoon's body. namjoon pulled his pants away, leaving him in his boxers. he grabbed the fresh shirt, pulling it over his head and down his chest. he put on the pants, patting himself down.

namjoon looked up, smiling at the strawberry colored jeongguk. "something wrong, koo?" namjoon tilted his head. jeongguk shook his head, clearing his throat. "i'm uh, gonna go brush my face- wash my teeth-" jeongguk rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him quickly.

namjoon stood for a moment, before shrugging and walking into the living room.

the pair walked into school, parting ways to go to their lockers. namjoon pulled out his books, closing his locker door and turning around. instantly, he bumped into someone. "i'm sorry— yoongi !!" namjoon gasped, his lips curling into a wide smile.

the smaller boy cupped namjoon's cheeks, squishing them roughly. "you didn't answer your phone the entire fucking weekend!! i was so worried about your bean sprout ass!" yoongi scolded, namjoon just giggled in return.

yoongi groaned, letting namjoon's face go and crossing his arms over his chest. "i'm so mad right now, i could just— spank you!"

"hey hey, you're the one who gets spanked here!"

"jung hoseok!!"

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