Chapter 15

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Louis's P.O.V.

I stopped my car outside the little coffee house and ran inside. I really had no idea why Charis had given me this "emergency call", but I could think the worst. Luckily, the thought that she might had passed out or had died only cross my mind, because then I remembered that she called me. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be able to call me if anything like this had happened.

I looked around me and saw her sitting alone on a table. She didn't really seem into an "emergency situation". I walked towards her and stood just next to her table, but she didn't notice me. She was staring at her cup of coffee -or whatever that was- and didn't even seem to be on this planet.

I held the empty chair in front of me and dragged it a little. She finally looked up and saw me. "Oh..." She mumbled. I smiled ironically ans sat down. "Louis! Thank God you came! You're not going to believe this, but something terrible almost happened to me just a few minutes before, and I really couldn't have stayed here alone." she continued non stop.

I looked at her trying to figure out if she was telling me the truth. Actually, I never thought she would lie to me, but I was so sure now that the "emergency" wasn't a real emergency. In the end, I sighed. "Charis..." I snorted. "I'm sorry I'm telling you this, but you don't really look like something terrible almost happened to you."

"No Louis, you don't know!" She quickly said. Then I saw her checking around her and leaning forwards, like she was about to tell me THE secret. I spontaneously leaned forward too, without thinking how stupid this was. "He was here!" She whispered to me.

I put my hand on my mouth like I was really surprised. "Oh!!" I gasped. Then immediately I changed my face. "Who?" I asked seriously.

"But Johnny, of course!!". Ok, that really surprised me a little.

"What? Who?" I mumbled. "What did Johnny do here? Did he spy on you??". Charis chuckled.

"No!! He comes here every Wednesday..." She said.

"Wednesday?" I frowned. "Why Wednesday?". She shrugged.

"That's what I told him too... Anyway, the thing is that he was here, alone! And I couldn't stay here alone too. I needed company."

I thought a bit about it. It wasn't that crazy, it actually seemed reasonable. "Okay... What did he do? Did he ignore you? Did he act like nothing's going on between you two? What?".

Charis looked at the ceiling, wrinkled her nose and shook slightly her head. "No... You see, Eva the waitress, has seen us together here, so she thought that Johnny was waiting for me and I was going to go and sit with him. Yeah... She came to me and told me 'Oh, hello Charis. He is waiting for you over there...'. I had no idea what she was talking about, and I spontaneously asked who. 'Johnny Depp! He's right there!!' she said and showed me his table.". I started laughing. "It's not funny!! I must have become so pale!" Charis said like she was offended, but I wasn't laughing because of what had happened to her. I was actually laughing because she was so deadly adorable when she was making the voice of the waitress. She was adorable generally now that she was a bit angry, and upset, and offended, and... All these together, anyway!

"And? What did Johnny do in the end?" I asked.

"He talked to me!" She said widening her eyes. I snorted.

"He talked to you??".

"Yeah!! He came over here and asked me why I was alone!" Charis said.

"Wow... So he did act like nothing happened!". I saw Charis looking at her cup exactly the way she had been looking at it when I came in; sadly.

"Yeah..." She said. "And that's why I acted like that too!" she added looking at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What does that mean??" I mumbled and smiled a little.

"That means that I told him I wasn't alone, but I was waiting for somebody!" She said raising her head with pride.

"Yeah... Somebody that didn't even know that you were waiting for him!" I chuckled. It was so obvious that she was trying not to chuckle too.

"He didn't know that..." she said. I smiled when I finally saw her face a little happy.

"And then?" I said. She looked at me like I was speaking Greek!

"What?" She asked.

"What happened then!" I clarified.

"Oh!! Right... Well, he asked me who I was waiting for." she said.

I nodded showing her that this was totally normal. "And... What did you say?" I asked her in the end, as my thoughts made me think that she might had done anything stupid again.

She widened innocently her eyes. "Uhh... I didn't." she mumbled, looking at me in a way I couldn't understand. Of course she would have done something stupid!

I sighed. "God, why are you acting so childish?".


"Both of you!" I said as my voice had started getting louder and harsher. "You're both acting like you're moron teenagers! Why don't you speak and face your problems like actual adults?"


"This is stupid, and it starts to get a little tiring too! Yeah, that's it, that's the word. I'm tired of your childish games!"

"Hey, why do you-"

"He loves you," I kept talking," so he will forgive you. You love him, so you will forgive you. So simple! Why do you have to make it so complicated? Loves you, love him, BOOM!!! You're together! The end-

"LOUIS!!" She broke off. I started gasping like I hadn't breathed at all. Although, I wasn't so sure if I had breathed. I realized how stupid I might was. I chuckled awkwardly. Luckily, I saw Charis starting chuckling a little bit too. "What?" I think she said, but her voice wasn't clear or loud. We must kept on chuckling together.

After a while, when she calmed down, she drunk coffee (or whatever) little from her cup and then looked at me serious now. I hid my lips from view and looked away.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. "I don't know what happened to me". I saw her smiling slightly, a smile of comfort.

" I don't know what happened to you either!" she admitted. "I mean... What happened to the "I can't believe you slept with him" Louis?" . I chuckled.

"Yeah..." I said with low voice.

"It was like you hated him! And now you say "Loves you, love him, BOOM you're together??". I laughed and she chuckled with me too. "I mean.. What...? What does this "BOOM" mean, Louis?". I knew she was just joking and I didn't have to answer these questions, so I just kept on laughing. Thank God, because I didn't know the answers!

"I know..." I just mumbled. Then I looked at her. I looked at her eyes. I realized I didn't know. Actually, I had no idea! I used to love her so much, and I thought I still did. But I also used to get a little jealous when I saw her with other men. And when I realized she liked Johnny. Yeah, when I thought that she had slept with him, my jealousy almost drove me crazy! What was then, keeping me from getting deadly and madly jealous again? What was making me want her to be with him? I tried to convince myself that I just wanted her to be happy, and that if she was happy with Johnny, then she should be with Johnny. And I was almost ready to say that to her too. But I couldn't even believe myself, what possibilities were there that she would believe me?

Finally, I just nodded and mumbled again "I know".

A/N: Heyy!!! Ok, I want to start with a great, a huge apology for my terribly and inexcusable delay! I know I always say I'll try to update sooner, but then, when it comes to writing, it all gets so complicated somehow!! :/ It's everything: school, homework, other activities, no inspiration. Most of you write too, so I hope you understand me. Anyway, I want to thank you for the votes, the comments and the reads!! You make me feel awesome!! Keep doing that!! :D

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