## ★ 0.2

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now playing
pirate king - ateez


~ one week later ~

While not large, our new house had a lot more space than that little apartment we used to live in; now Chan and I could finally have separate bathrooms, and we even have a small patio at the back of the house. Our neighborhood seems really tranquil, and we've yet to meet our neighbors, but it's nice to have a bit of time to ourselves before we greet anyone, whether that's their intention or not.

It was a two-story house, the second story consisting of two medium-sized rooms and a full bathroom. The bottom story had a master bedroom, a living room, a dining room, a laundry room, a guest bedroom, and a guest bathroom. Don't know who we, meaning my mother, would allow to stay in our house as guests just yet, but I guess that'll come later in time.

Chan and I were finally done unpacking the living room and moving all the furniture in since we were done with our rooms upstairs already. But staring at the living room, I realized that we didn't have enough furniture to properly fill the space. It needed a pop of color, something like a house plant.

"Mom! I'm gonna go out and get a plant for the living room, any suggestions?" I yell, fishing my wallet from my bag. I checked how much money I had; only about twenty bucks, so kind of a tight budget.

"Just find something that you like, nothing too expensive. Take Chan with you, we don't know what people are like in this town yet," she responds. "Chan, go with your sister."

"Where are we going?" I hear Chan ask as he comes up behind me.

"We're gonna try and find a place to get some plants to put around the house," I respond. "Let's go." We both walk out the door and Chan grabs his keys.

"Hey Siri," he says. His phone makes a little 'bloop' sound to indicate that it's listening. "Where is the nearest flower shop?" he says into the phone.

His phone's automated response tells us the closest flower shop is Treasure Florals, about .2 miles away from our home. "Alright, let's go," Chan starts, unlocking his car.

We drive down the quiet street and we both look around. The silence was comfortable, hearing tree leave rustle, admiring the vibrantly blue sky. We stopped at a red light when Chan broke the silence.

forelsket ~ jeong yunho | discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now