Lisa's arrival

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Mike's pov

It was only around 2pm and I was already exhausted. It had been a long day having to discipline the girls and get everything cleaned for Lisa's arrival.

"When's she coming? When's she coming? When's she coming?" Stacey was running around in circles as she repeated this question over and over and over.

"Stacey." I grabbed her as she ran by. "Why don't you and Julie get some games out of the common room that you want to play with Lisa when she gets here?"

"Okay, okay, okay,"  Stacey sang, as she ran off to find Julie.

 I checked my watch, 2:23pm. I thought Neil said she was due in by 2pm. I wonder what's keeping her? I was just as anxious as the girls. I decided to head over to the common room to help the girls pick out some games and simultaneously keep me distracted from checking the time every two minutes. As I was about to enter the common room I paused in the doorway, smiling at the scene before me. Neil was down on one knee holding Lisa's, I presume, hand as he introduced her to the girls.

Julie said, "We're cousins (pointing to Stacey) but you're gonna be our sister." She gave Lisa a hug.

Stacey chimed in, "Come with us, sis, so you can meet Mike. He takes care of us and he's really nice, unless you make him mad, then he's kinda scary. But then after he spanks you he's usually nice again."

Lisa stood shaking her head.

"I don't wanna be spanked!"

Julie uttered, "Then just don't make him mad," speaking as if she's making the most obvious statement in the world.

Stacey and Julie each grab one of Lisa's hands. "Come on!" they say, pulling her toward the door.

Julie sees me first.

"Mike, look Lisa's here!" she says excitedly.

Stacey adds, "Don't worry, we told her all about you."

I chuckle, "Oh you did huh?" I kneel down and look Lisa in the eyes. "I'm really glad you're here, Lisa."

Lisa shyly replies, "Thank you," as she looks down at her feet.

Neil says, "Girls, why don't you pick out your bedtime books for reading tonight. I need to speak to Michael for a minute."

Oh oh, he called me Michael, either I'm in trouble or he needs a favor. Honestly, I don't know which is worse.

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