Make good on a promise

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Mike's pov

After Stacey leaves to go to her room, Shane turns to me and asks, "What are we going to do, Mike?"

"I don't know, Shane. I just can't believe she would do something like this." I'm truly hurt by Stacey's callous disregard for that girl's feelings. "I just thank God that Jim ( Dean Banfeld ) didn't expel her."

"You think he was right when he said she just got mixed up with the wrong crowd, otherwise this never would have happened? "Shane asks.

"I'd like to think that's true, Shane, that she's really a good kid and we're raising her to be a decent human being with a solid moral compass but I don't know. If she's going to choose popularity over the moral high ground, we need to nip this in the bud. This was really way over the line. I mean bullying, come on, that's like the worst form of cowardice, just completely reprehensible."

"Yeah, I never thought one of our girls would be suspended for bullying." Shane solemnly shakes his head. "She needs to apologize to that girl, on paper and in person."

"Yes, she definitely will do that and I think I'm going to make good on my promise and hopefully you're going to help."

"What promise is that?" Shane's genuinely curious.

"The one I made if any of the girls would ever receive an out of school suspension." I sigh and sadly shake my head as I remember what I told them.

"You don't mean..." Shane gives me a doubtful look.

"I certainly do. She's going to be spanked for ten straight minutes every morning for the next three days. Unfortunately, I'm leaving for Boston tonight with Neil to try and negotiate a contract with some medical supply companies for the clinics. Can I count on you to make good on my promise, Shane? I'm really sorry to put the onus of this punishment on you but I fear the girls won't respect my word if we don't follow through."

"I agree we need to stay true to our word, so you can count on my support. Do you really think she can tolerate that amount of punishment though?" Shane asks.

"I think she doesn't have a choice. My mouth wrote the check and now her ass is gonna cash it." 

The next morning

Stacey's pov

I can't believe Mike is making good on his promise to spank me for ten minutes a day for the next three days. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as child abuse. I know they would never really abuse me but still, it's a lot to take. I can't say I don't deserve it though. I'm so ashamed of what I did, or technically didn't do. I can't even talk about it. I haven't even told Lisa or Carrie yet. It was bad enough telling Julie. I could tell she was upset with me, even though she didn't admit it.

In addition to the fabulous spanking punishment, I'm grounded for two weeks from pretty much everything except breathing. I have to write a letter of apology and deliver an in-person apology to the girl we bullied and I also have two weeks of after school office detentions when I return to school.

After Julie, Lisa, and Carrie leave for school, Shane calls and summons me to his room. Crap, I was kinda hoping Mike's promise was more of an idle threat, or an exaggeration at least. The gravity of the situation is becoming quite clear. This just became very real. I see Shane's door is open as I walk down the hall. I take a deep breath before lightly rapping on the door to get his attention.

Without looking up from the paperwork on his desk, Shane says, "Sit down, Stacey. I'll be with you in a minute." His tone is cold, almost businesslike. I take a seat in the corner chair, wishing we could just get this over with.

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