The next month

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Shane's pov

The next month was interesting to say the least, a truly fascinating window into the human psyche. The girls were in rare form. In just thirty days time I witnessed eleven spankings, Julie(4), Stacey(4), Lisa(2), Carrie(1). Since I wasn't the one meting out the punishments, I was privy to analyzing the girls' reactions.

The last four spankings were Julie, Stacey, Lisa and Carrie each committing the same transgression- lying. Mike and I were working at the Foundation when we received the call.

Rick said to Mike, "We have a situation here in the lobby. Four of your girls, three of mine, one basketball, one broken window, and zero culpability."

"Shane and I are on our way over. Tell everyone to sit tight until we get there."

When we arrived at the Center, we saw Rick attempting to referee the arguments between our girls ( Stacey, Lisa, Carrie and Julie) and his (Mindy, Jenny, and Cathie). Each group blaming the other for the broken window.

"That's enough!" Mike boomed. "Everyone shut your mouths and get in the conference room NOW!"

Afraid to cross Mike, the girls silently file into the conference room. I whisper something to Mike and Rick pulling them aside before we walk in. Mike directs the seven girls to sit, spacing them evenly around the room with at least six seats between them. Rick returns with the items I asked him to find; seven sheets of notebook paper and seven pencils. He places a sheet of paper and pencil on each girl's desk.

"You each have exactly two minutes to write down how the window was broken. Remember to write your name at the top. Anyone who dares to utter one word will find themselves over my knee. Your time begins now," Mike says, as he starts the two minute countdown on his phone.

The girls each start writing. When his alarm starts beeping, signaling time's up, Rick collects the girls papers and the three of us look them over. It doesn't take long for us to reach a verdict.

"Mindy, Jenny, and Cathie..." Mike pauses for dramatic effect, "'re free to go."

They can't get out fast enough. Rick holds the door open, then follows them out.

"The four of you, however, have some explaining to do," Mike says sternly.

Stacey's pov

The four of us shift uncomfortably in our chairs, anticipating the pain our bottoms are about to endure. I wonder how they figured out it was our fault so quickly.

As if on cue, Mike says, "You know what we found so interesting about these papers?"

Clearly a rhetorical question. We all remain silent.

"Seven papers; three paint a very similar picture, three weave quite the web of lies, and one portrays a rather crude drawing of what I can only presume is a platypus playing a saxophone while riding a bicycle. Anyone care to venture a guess which category your stories fell into?"

Again rhetorical. Again we remain silent. Mike is waving the papers as he paces in front of us. The vein on the side of his head is throbbing. As Kesha would say, "this place's about to blow."

"No one? Really? Perhaps you'll become more talkative after a trip over my knee."

There it is.

"Shane, please escort Lisa, Carrie, and Julie to my room where they can await their turn."

As Shane ushers them out, Mike looks me dead in the eyes, sending a chill down my spine. He sits down and beckons me over with one finger. I slowly approach, lip quivering, ashamed. Mike swiftly pulls me across his lap and starts spanking me.

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