Porch swing

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Julie's pov

"What are you doin' up so early, darlin'?" Dr. Curtis patted the seat next to him on the porch swing, inviting me to join him.

I tried not to make my discomfort too noticeable when I sat on my still sore behind.

"I'm not honestly sure what woke me but I figured I might as well get up and make the most of our last day here." There was a beautiful breeze blowing and the early morning haze was starting to lift off the water. I took a deep breath and let the fresh air fill my lungs before exhaling slowly, truly enjoying the tranquility of my surroundings.

Dr. Curtis smiled and patted my knee as he sipped his morning tea.

"Would you like a cuppa, luv?" he asked politely.

"No thank you, sir." We continued to sway the porch swing gently in a peaceful silence for the next few minutes, just enjoying the beautiful sunrise and the morning sounds of nature.

Finally I mustered the nerve to apologize.

"I'm really sorry we ruined your weekend here, Dr. Curtis." I couldn't find the courage to look him in the eye though, too afraid of the disappointment I would face.

Dr. Curtis abruptly stopped the gentle rhythm of the swing and turned towards me, displaying a most serious look.

"Why in the world would you think that you ruined my weekend, Julie?"

He sounded genuinely surprised.

"We broke your rule about night swimming, causing a scene at two in the morning and I ran my mouth off to Mike so you had to punish me," I paused, "just to name a few things." I continued to avoid his gaze, not willing to chance seeing a judgemental look.

Dr. Curtis put his arm around me and gently guided my chin 'til I looked him in the eyes.

"Nonsense! I had a wonderful weekend with you girls."

His smile was so genuine and completely disarming.

"Blimey, you're bloody teenagers afterall so you're bound to get into a bit of mischief," Dr. Curtis said, as he chucked me under the chin. "Your guardians are in their thirties and I still have to correct them almost daily, for chrissake." His eyes twinkled as he looked at me and laughed. "Do you really think some juvenile hijinks could sour my weekend?"

"I really am sorry about the way we..." correcting myself, I continued, "...the way I behaved. I hope you'll still let us come back here with Shane sometime and I hope we didn't ruin it for everyone else at the Center." I'm not entirely sure why but it was really important to me that Dr. Curtis knew I genuinely regretted my actions. Maybe it's because I see how much Shane and Mike respect him and try so hard to earn his approval.

"Of course you may come here again, sweetheart, and the Mrs. and I would love to host the Admiral as well." He smiled at me before returning his gaze to the boaters just starting to navigate the lake.

Mike walked out with a cup of coffee in his hands and a serious case of bed-head.

"Morning, darlin'," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Morning, Mike," I replied.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Dr. Curtis raised his hands, pretending to be offended he didn't receive the same affectionate greeting.

"Good morning to you as well, fine sir." Mike pretended to take off an imaginary hat while bowing as if greeting a royal dignitary.

"Smartass." Dr. Curtis chuckled as he stood and shook Mike's hand, grabbing his elbow and pulling him into a bro-hug. "Morning, doctor," he said, releasing his hold and patting Mike on the back.

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