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Being invisible has its perks, especially when you move around as much as me. I never had to worry about leaving friends behind, or missing a certain place. I've also never been one to be in a relationship, I didn't exactly grow up with the best example. My mom was great at getting men, just not so great at keeping them. Her mature way of dealing with a breakup was a quick therapy session with ice cream, and frosting, then we pack up and move to the next place. I watched as Ashton Irwin, the schools soccer god, is seated at a table in my section of a restaurant I'd gotten a job at, silently cursing to myself. From the few months I'd been at this new school I noticed Ashton walked the school halls like he owned them. In his own way he did. He had everyone wrapped around his finger. All the girls want to date him, and all the boys want to be him. He acted like he was a gift to the school, and everyone treated him as such. A few minutes later he is joined by a pretty blonde I've seen around school before, Charlotte I think is her name. She runs our school newspaper and the weekly sports report. A few nights later he shows up at the same table but with a different girl, Stella, the head cheerleader. Then again with Blake, the schools vegan and animal rights activist. I may be mistaken, but aren't you supposed to only be with one girl at a time?


"Ok, ladies! Due to a scheduling error we are combining all third period gym classes. Today is volleyball." I groaned. Gym class is living hell. A place for my lack of athletic talent to be on display. The teacher split us into teams. I happened to be on a team with Charlotte, Stella, and Blake plus a few others. Taking our places, Stella stands at the back corner ready to strike the ball. Front and center, Charlotte was talking to another girl, and I could just make out the words, "I'm dating Ashton Irwin," before a volleyball smacked her right in the face.

"Hey? What was that for?" She yells at Stella.

"Sorry, it slipped." She shrugs, clearly not sorry about anything. The teacher blows the whistle making everyone restart. Stella's serve slips again, slamming into the back of Charlotte's head. "Stay away from Ashton. He's mine!"

"Excuse me? He's my boyfriend!" Blake joins the mix. Somehow in the midst of the shoving, slapping and hair pulling I get knocked to the ground along with the three of them.

"This guy is cheating on all of you and you're beating each other up?" I holler, finally making everyone stop and stare at me.

"Ok, detention. All four of you!" Mrs. Allen commands. I'm about to protest when the bell rings, signaling the end of class.


Turning the corner into the detention room after school, I run into a tall, blonde boy with large headphones on his ears.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! I forget how loud I have my music sometimes. Are you alright?" He quickly apologize. I can clearly hear Jasey Rae by All Time Low blaring out of the headphones now hung around his neck.

"No I'm fine. I get it. You play All Time Low loud, or what's the point?" I jockey around him and into the room, setting my bag on a chair.

"Exactly. Hey, you're in my English class, right?"

"Um yea. I'm Scarlett." I give the familiar boy a small smile. His almost always black outfits made him look a bit intimidating, and now seeing him up close I noticed he has a lip ring. He was also pretty quiet, I had never heard him talk until now, making it apparent that he has an accent.

"Luke." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. But now talking to him, he was rather awkward.

"So do you know where everyone is?"

"You came early for detention?" A low laugh resonates through his body.

"Oh. Well I would hate to miss a minute of being detained." I joke. Outside the window Ashton catches my eye as he leans against a set of lockers, flirting with a few girls. I roll my eyes.

"Wow. That is not usually the reaction he gets from girls." Luke turns his head to see what I was scoffing at. "See you around, Scarlett."

This story is inspired by the movie John Tucker Must Die and the fact that Lashton often look like brothers and it makes me feel some type of way.

just the first chapter, but comment/vote if you like it and will read it.

updates will be slow and spurratic as college is hard as fuck. and i'm taking an obnoxious amout of classes, plus finishing up a Mikey story. ok? ok. xo -Rachel

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