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            “So why are we following him to the movies?” Charlotte takes a handful of my popcorn, as we follow Ashton and his date into the theater.

            “I had him do a photo shoot with a friend of my mom’s, and well, you’ll see.” We make our way to the back row, where we have a clear view of Ashton’s curly mop of hair. Advertisements flash by on the screen, until one catches my eye. An ad featuring Ashton; for herpes. The speed his date is up and out of her chair is something out of a cartoon. His protests fill the theater and don’t subdue the crowd throwing popcorn at him with laughter.

            “If that doesn’t make him undateable, I don’t know what will!” Charlotte laughs. We all high five as Ashton rushes out of the theater.


            “This is hopeless. We give him herpes, they give him an award!” Charlotte huffs. Sitting in the back media room watching a Youtube video of Ashton getting an award for being an advocate for herpes.

            “What are we going to do now?” I ask. Stella gets an evil look on her face before standing up.

            “Everyday before practice I see Ashton making a protein shake to bulk up. Well, what if we replaced that with my mom’s estrogen supplements?”

            “It’ll mess with his hormone levels, and make him more vulnerable. Genius!” We all agree, and get to work making the plan.

Blake, Charlotte and I watched from the side of the field house as Stella crouches over Ashton’s soccer bag, pouring the new powder into his premade water bottle. Coach calls for a water break and he wanders over to Stella, soon after scooping three more servings of protein powder into his water.

            “What did you say to him?”

            “That he was looking a little thin, and should double up doses to bulk up.”


            “So you will be split into pairs to work on your section of the play.” My English teacher announces. “I will let you pick your partners this time. Don’t make me regret it. Go.” I groan and scan the room. Being invisible now, sucks. My eyes land on Luke, who like me is still seated in his spot while everyone around us moves towards their partner.

            “Looks like we’re the outcasts. What do you say, partner?” Luke makes his way to my desk, sitting next to me.

            “I can’t make any promises on my Shakespeare abilities.”

            “We can struggle through it together.” He extends one of his long arms in my direction for a handshake. Grasping his hand I am met by warm smooth skin, though a few of his fingertips are calloused. The teacher dismisses us after taking down our names and giving us a scene and act from Romeo and Juliet.

            “Ah the balcony scene. Great.” Luke jokes as we walk down the hallway. “Meet in the library after school to start working?”

            “Sure.” I give him a smile before turning the corner to my locker.

With the end of the day comes crowded hallways. That means invisible me. Since I’ve started hanging out with Charlotte, Stella and Blake I’ve felt more accepted, even if we stayed far away from each other in places except the media room, so as not to draw attention. Shoving my needed books into my backpack and slamming my locker door I make my way to the library. From it’s large windows panning the secluded area I spot Luke at a table talking to another guy. Getting closer I notice it’s Ashton. They know each other? Luke didn’t really seem like one of the populars. Then again neither do I but I’m hanging out with the cheer captain.

            “So are you secretly cool?” I sit myself down in the seat across from Luke, where Ashton was seconds before.


            “Ashton, you were talking to him. Or was he just giving an order as king?” I joke slightly.

            “Actually, worse than that. He was making sure I didn’t need a ride home. He’s my older brother.” At the look of complete shock on my face Luke continues. “Step brother. His dad travels a lot and met my mom while in Australia, and moved us here.” That explains a lot.

            “Oh. That makes sense. I mean the accent and all.”

            “Yea, that’s a bit of a giveaway.” With the silence we both pull out our books to get work done. “So you’re like the only girl in this place not throwing herself at my brother.” Luke observes.

            “Jerk really isn’t my type.” 

i didn't know how to end this sooo

sorry these first few chapters are a bit choppy and skippy, i'm trying to stick close to the movie for the most part. so it'll pick up and get more interesting. And i'll obviously be adding my own flare and extra stuff so it's not word for word the movie. 

ok, just felt like that needed to be said. 

thanks to ardyn and zoe cause yall are like the only ones who read this lol. 

comment/vote pweeze!! it takes two seconds, and lets me know that you like what i'm doing! xo -Rachel

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