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 picture in sidebar bc i have an unhealthy obsession with that pic.

idk don't ask why. 

            "So tell me about yourself." Ashton prompts as we walk along the beach towards the sunset where someone at school is throwing a huge bonfire. "Like what's your story?"

            "Um it's still being written." I try to be mysterious and in control of the conversation, all too aware that Charlotte, Blake and Stella are here somewhere watching me through a camera attached to my bra.

            "Like a mystery?"

            "You could say that."

            "Well I like mysteries." He smiles, clearly proud of himself. 

            "I'm sure." I sarcastically remark. The silence that follows makes me face palm. This is exactly why I don't get dates.

            "You're right, talking ruins the moment. I'm just going to enjoy this." Ashton turns around facing the crowd behind us.

            "Uh Ashton. The sunset is that way." I point to the setting sun and water behind him.

            "Oh I know. I'm just enjoying everyone watching me in insane jealousy. They wish they were out with the prettiest girl in school." His words, though I know they're fake and overused cause my cheeks to tint red with blush. Ashton laces his fingers with mine, and tugging towards where a bonfire was being set up.

            "Ah!" I giggle as the marshmallow on the end of Ashton's pole catches fire. His jacket is draped over my shoulders, and from across the circle I catch Luke's disapproving gaze.

            "Can I take you home?"

            "Yea, sure." I give him the most sincere smile I can muster. "Um, I have to pee first!"

            "Alright. I'll meet you by the car." Once I'm far enough away from Ashton I panic.

            "A little help here!" I yell into my boob cam. A few seconds later I'm being pulled behind a tree by my friends. "What do I do? He's obviously going to want to kiss me right?"

            "At least. Now are you a good kisser?" Blake asks.

            "How do you know?"

            "Do guys tell you you're a good kisser?" My lack of response answers her question. "Oh god. Ok um if he leans in just go with it and give him one small kiss. Got it?" I nod, unsure of myself.

            "What kind of music do you listen to?" Ashton asks through the silence of our drive back.

            "Whatever," I shrug my shoulders before I catch myself and restate, "what do you thing I listen to?" He fiddles with a few chords, finally plugging his phone in and begins to play All Time Low. "You like All Time Low?"

            "If you say you don't I'm kicking you out of the car right now!" He jokes.

            "No, no. I love them!" Weightless finishes playing just he pulls into my driveway. "Walk me to the door?" Ashton hops out of the car and takes my hand as we walk up my front steps.

            "Look, if I walk you the rest of the way up to the door, I'm going to be tempted to kiss you. I really like you and I don't want to ruin anything my going too fast. So rather than torturing myself, I think I'll say goodnight." That's when the sprinklers shoot on. We both start to laughing and make a run towards the house, finding shelter under my porch roof. "Well," he pushes a large hand through his wet mop of curls. His hazel green eyes shining in the light from a window. Thinking about the girls' advice to be in control I grab the back of his neck and bring his face closer.

            "I like a little risk," I whisper before locking our lips together. Only kissing for a few seconds before the chord to the camera attached to me sparks, sending a jolt of electricity. Passing through me and into Ashton we snap apart.

            "Whoa," he breathes. Clearly unaware of the fact it was a wet wire that caused the electricity.

            "You're-right." Stutter out, still being lightly shocked. "I don't-wanna-move-too-fast." Stepping inside and quickly shutting the door behind me, ripping the chord from my clothes; my lips still tingling with the feeling of Ashton's. 

sooo who ships sashton? ashett? lol 

ps. i am aware that Ashton actually likes all time low, but for the sake of the story pretend that he doesn't and got info from Luke. even though in real life we are basically music soul mates. lol

in other news i made an 8tracks playlist based on the mix tape Luke made for Scarlett a few chaps back give it a listen here >> <<

also, i haven't mentioned it but there is a cast for this for everyone except charlotte because shes based on the awesome and my best friend @oneemblem

voting/commenting honestly only takes a sec and it means a lot to me in showing me that you like this shit lol :) xo -Rachel 

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