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Her voice is still echoing in my head hours after, and the scared look on her face as I yelled and kicked her out is burned onto my eyelids. I don't know what's wrong with me. My heart is physically hurting, this has never happened before. She was only meant to be a quick conquest. Sleep is a mute point by now, so I drag my heavy body out of bed and start packing to leave in the morning. 

        "So how was your night?" Calum waltzes in a half an hour before our buses are set to leave. He wiggles his eyebrows at me while shoving clothes into his duffle. 

        "I don't want to talk about it." I state cooly. Luckily Calum takes the hint and remains quiet, and thirty minutes later we are boarding the bus back to school. I book it straight to the back seat, and my stand offish behavior today keeps everyone away. I watch as Scarlett boards the bus and take a seat next to Stella. I never even knew they were that good of friends. I peel my eyes away and stare out the window at the blurring scenery for the rest of the ride. 

        "Ashton, wait up. Can I catch a ride back with you?" Calum jogs up beside me, matching my fast strides towards my car. I mumble a positive response, and unlock the doors. "Dude, seriously what happened? I thought you didn't really care about her?" 

        "I didn't think I did, either."

        "What did she even do to you?" I let out a sigh, knowing that now he wasn't going to drop the subject. 

        "We were having sex, and right as we're both close she yells out 'Luke.'" I keep my eyes glued to the road, not wanting to see Calum's reaction. It's embarassing really. 

        "As in your step brother, Luke? Geeky, kid who hardly even talks to girls?" I nod in affirmation. "What the fuck?" 

        "That's what I said." Honestly, my exact words. "Apperently they were better friends than either let onto me." 

        "I'm sorry, bro. But on the brightside you move on fast. We'll find you new girls in no time!" That's the thing. I don't want any other girls. Despite everything, all I want is for Scarlett to be here with me.


I knew that was it. That was end of whatever I had with Ashton. It was like I had no control, my subcontious took over. "What the fuck?" He was standing and pulling on his pants.

        "I don't know why I said that. I-"

        "Obviously you were thinking of him. Were you seeing him behind my back?" 

        "No! We are friends!"

        "Doesn't really seem like it to me!" His voice was gaining volume. "You should just go." Quickly I found my clothes and shimmied into them, gathering my shoes and bag I rush out of the room. 

Down the hall Stella, Charlotte and Blake were sat in the room watching a movie. "Hey, you disappeared. We have something to show you." 

        "Not right now. I just want to shower and sleep." I was on the verge of tears and I didn't want them to see me cry. 

        "What happened?" 

        "I - I called him the wrong name in bed." I cover my face with my hands. 

        "What did you call him?" Blake tentativley asks. 


        "No shit. What happened after that?"

        "He was so angry. I messed up-"

        "No you didn't ! It wasn't really according to the plan but the ultimate goal was to hurt him. And that's what you did! Mission accomplished!" The three of them high five while I gather my shower things and slink to the bathroom unnoticed. The hot water washes away the gross feeling of guilt covering my skin that smells highly of Ashton.

     "Why are you upset about this? Look at how he's hurting," I turn quick to steal a glance at Ashton at the back of the bus. Headphones in, staring blankly out the window. "This is what we wanted from the start." I guess she's right. But I got too attached and it blew up in my face. "The girls are coming over for a celebratory dinner. We still have to show you the video we took." Stella talks but im barely listening.


Ashton barrels into the house looking as mad as I've seen him in years. "Whats wrong? Didn't you guys win the game?" I was there I saw it happen, everyone was ecstatic.

     "Fuck you." With that he stomps upstairs, slamming the door to his room.

So Ashton is obviously pissed and Scarlett feels terrible. Do you think he'll tell Luke?

As always vote/comment it makes my day :)

Hope you guys are doing well :) xo -Rachel

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