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It was now Friday night before the soccer game. I sat in one section of the stands watching the boys warm up. From where I am I can see Charlotte down on the field doing pre-game media coverage, Stella stretching with the rest of the cheerleaders, and Blake sitting a few bleachers away. I hug my gray cardigan closer to my body with the increasing wind. We’ve been secretly giving Ashton estrogen for a few weeks now. The game starts with the long blow of the whistle.

It’s down to the last few minutes and the game is tied at 1. One of the other team’s forwards knocks Ashton to the ground, causing the crowd to gasp. Physically he was fine. He sat up and his hands were over his eyes, wiping away tears. “Can you finish the game? We need you!” The coach tells Ashton.

            “No!” Ashton stands up. “It’s always me. Ashton this, Ashton that. I can’t do it!” He starts to cry harder and run off the field. I clamp a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. That was it. That was the strike we needed.


            “I can’t believe that ass broke up with me!” Blake throws open the door to my room followed by Charlotte and Stella.

            “How am I not complex enough?” Charlotte sits at my desk chair, defeated.

            “You invented complex!”

            “I was so depressed I couldn’t even enjoy the break up sex!” We all stare wide eyed at Blake. “God I’m such a slut!” She groans and leans back, smacking her head on my wall, causing us all to laugh.

After a quick run to the store we are all back in my room eating every piece of junk food we could find.

            “You know, I’ve been thinking. Instead of doing all this we should have just broken his heart.” Stella shrugs popping a few m&ms in her mouth.

            “That’s genius!” Charlotte exclaims.

            “But he already broke up with everybody.” I point out.

            “Not everyone…” The three of them stare me down until it hits me.

            “Oh no. I couldn’t.”

            “C’mon, Scarlett! This is for any girl that’s ever gotton her heart broken.” Their pleading gets to me and I give in. “Perfect. Now there is one thing Ashton can’t resist.”


            “Do I really have to be a cheerleader?” I protest, looking down at my short skirt and crop top.

            “Yes, he loves a girl on top!” Stella pauses and I raise my eyebrows at her. “Of a pyramid, duh!” Right. Walking down the hallway with Stella, Ashton pulls her aside.



I remember seeing her around school, a pretty petite blonde whose name I can never remember. Seeing her walking the halls with Stella in a cheerleader uniform intrigued me. “Hey, whose the new cheerleader?” I catch Stella.

            “Her name is Scarlett.”

            “She’s cute.” I observe. Her back is to us, but I have the perfect view of her ass.

            “I wouldn’t go there. She’s into older guys, sorry.” The head cheerleader stomps off, rejoining with Scarlett and continuing the rest of the way down the hall.

            “You good, man?” Calum pats me on the shoulder.

            “Uh yea. I will be.”

At the end of the day I corner Scarlett at her locker. “Hey,” I flash her my smile. She looks stunned, like a deer in the headlights almost. “I’m Ashton.” I wait for her to respond, but all I get is silence. “Ok, well seeing as you’re the new cheerleader and I’m the captain of the soccer team I’m kind of obligated to buy you dinner.” Again, silence. “Alright, I get it. But you will go out with me eventually.” I show off my dimples once more before heading to practice. So, she was going to be difficult to wear down, I am so up to the challenge.

ok, things should pick up from here. 

um yea. vote/comment it takes like two seconds and it really helps me out!! :) 

ps. don't get used to these frequent updates. My classes are just getting going and so my work load will pick up from here. but i'm going to try my best to update at least once a week!! xo -Rachel 

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