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I stomped off the stage and towards the locker room. I can't believe all of that was a lie. "Ashton?" Luke's voice bounces off the metal lockers. He rounds the corner, finding me sitting on the wooden bench in front of my locker.

"Were you in on the plan too then?"

"What? No, of course not!"
"Don't lie to me!" I jump to my feet and pin his shoulders to the wall. "Was that night planned too? When she yelled your name in bed?" At that moment I could tell all my accusations were false. Luke's eyes practically bulged out of his head.
"She what?"
"You heard me. So she never told you?" I let him go and take a step back.
"No. Scarlett just said to ask you but you wouldn't tell me either." Luke sits on the bench and I join him seconds later. "I didn't try to take her from you. And I didn't know about their plan. I swear."
"I believe you." Looking to my step brother I shake my head and let out a morose chuckle. "How did we end up here? We used to be so close?"
"I don't know. You became popular and left me behind I guess."
"I'm sorry. I turned into a huge dick. I thought I could boss everyone around and make people like me. People here like me, why doesn't dad?"
"He does. He just doesn't show it very well. We are going on that trip to Australia in a next week talk to him then." He was right. Deep down I know my dad loves me, I just needed to be reminded.


Everyone was staring. I didn't know
how to get off the stage so I ran for it. When I finally made it to my car I let go. The tears came fast, flooding down my face. When I calmed down a little I managed to drive home. "What happened now?"
"Everything just blew up in my face." She held me for a while, consoling me.
"Want to eat pizza and frosting while watching a sad movie?" My moms version of therapy was the best.

The next night three people came knocking at my door. "What do you want?"
"To apologize." Charlotte immediately starts explaining. "We got caught up in trying to hurt Ashton and then getting him back."
"We shouldn't have shown the video. We're sorry." Blake chimes in. The seemed sincere and I know the kind of power Ashton has.
"I got caught up too. I'm sorry."
"Well now that's settled you coming to the game with us?" Stella asks after we break our group hug.
"Sure. I need to talk to Ashton anyway."

So with only one chapter left, any guesses on who she ends up with?! ;)

Also you're going to hate me because I have no idea when I'll be able to post the last chapter due to finals in about three weeks but I'll try my best to make it asap!!! xo -Rachel

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