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That was the first time I was actually alone with Ashton. He had taken me out on his father’s private boat, and my camera lost signal somewhere on the open water.

            “Tell me more about you. I want to know everything.” We are sitting across from each other at a small table in the middle of the gigantic boat deck.

            “Well it’s just me and my mom. We move around a lot, so I never stay in one place too long.”

            “How do you like it here?” Ashton seemed genuinely interested and I found my guard slipping.

            “Enough to stick around a while. What about you?”

            “I’ve lived here too long. I forced myself to be outgoing enough to make lots of friends, as my dad isn’t around much. Things changed so much after he met Luke’s mom. He’s still not around, but he tries much harder to make Luke happy to keep Liz happy.” I felt bad for him, inside the player mentality, Ashton just wanted to be wanted.

            “Wow.” We walk over to the railing and look out over the water. “I get it. I mean my dad split when I was two. It’s hard feeling like a parent doesn’t want you.” For once he was silent, only nodding in agreement. His strong arm encompassed my waist, pulling me to his chest swaying slightly.

            “I’ve never been able to talk about that with anyone. You make is so easy to be myself around you.” Our bodies were pressed together, Ashton spinning me around, dancing with no music.

            “I used to get so nervous around you, but now this feels completely normal.” His hands cup my cheeks, bringing our lips together in a deep kiss.

            “What the hell happened out there?” The girls immediately grill me over the phone Sunday morning. I avoided their calls all Saturday as Ashton and I hung out again, at my house watching movies and talking. It was nice, I like spending time with him. It was something I was keeping to myself.

            “I mean you guys dated him, you know.”

            “No we don’t. He never brought us on dates like that.” Blake argued.

            “Well I mean we just talked. He was really sweet.” I find myself smiling thinking about it.

            “Oh god. You’re falling for him.” Charlotte exclaims.

            “What? No I’m not.”

            “Whatever is going on you need to pull it together before the away game in two weeks.” I hung up, frustrated with them. Someone knocks on my front door and I open it aggressively.

            “Whoa, hey.” Luke puts his hands up in surrender, while still balancing two cups of coffee.  

            “Oh hey, Luke.” I totally forgot we are working on our scene today.

            “You ok?” I lead him into the living room where we can work, and he hands me one of the paper cups of hot caffeine.

            “It’s nothing.” I realize I can’t say anything to him, especially since I’m fake dating his brother. “So uh I guess we should get started.”

Hours later, we are running through the last bit of the scene when I turn and almost bump into Luke. He catches onto my elbow, holding me close. His face inches closer, our lips almost brushing. “I uh don’t think Romeo and Juliet kiss in this scene.”

            “In the shitty Claire Danes/Leo DiCaprio version they do.” I suck in a breath and step back from Luke. “I should go.” Slinging his backpack over one shoulder, Luke walks out my front door, leaving me standing there with my mind swimming.  

basically scarlett is as confused as you guys are one who she wants.

#suke or #sashton ?? 

vote/comment it means a lot and only takes a second :) xo -Rachel

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